First Snow | Kang Hyun x You

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December 8 2019, 8:22 AM


You opened your eyes and felt as if you were in a movie. It was perfect. Your boyfriend's arm was slung around your bare waist lazily, his gentle breath brushing your shoulder's skin. Your eyes fell to the window glass that illuminated the room softly.

 Your eyes fell to the window glass that illuminated the room softly

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You had completely forgotten to close the blinds fully. Now the gloomy winter morning sun had woken you up. The two of you had been too busy doing other things last night. Then, you had fallen asleep peacefully, not caring about the half-closed blinds. You admired your boyfriend's smooth skin as you watched his chest rise steadily.

Shivering, you noticed how he, too, must have been cold from the lack of blanket on the two of you. As much as you didn't want to move, you felt you needed to reach for the material by your thighs. Swiftly, you grabbed the blanket, throwing it upward. You pulled on it, so it covered the both of you up to your necks and cuddled closer to your boyfriend.

That's when he shifted slightly. He let out a raspy sound between a groan and a grunt. Even though you felt sorry for waking him, your lips curled upward when his eyes fluttered open tiredly.

 Even though you felt sorry for waking him, your lips curled upward when his eyes fluttered open tiredly

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The look he gave you was innocent and adorable. His hair was a mess, but still somehow looked good. You noticed him smile back and his grip on your waist tightened. His bare skin on yours felt intimate and warm. You wished you could have stayed this way forever.

KH: "It's so bright in here," he mumbled.

Your stomach fluttered excitedly at his low voice in the morning.

"We forgot to close the blinds," you replied, your eyes following the source of the light.

KH: "Am I that distracting to you?" he teased you.

You blushed at the way he watched your face with patience.

"I could ask you the same thing," you answered.

He grinned slyly at you.

You touched his skin lightly, your fingers wandering from his jaw to his neck. A small laugh left your mouth when you traced the purple marks around his collar bone. He tilted his head in question but didn't say anything.

In response, he began drawing random patterns on your stomach and hips. Your skin tingled where he touched it, like a long died-down fire that was still heating up your body. You smiled a little when it tickled in some places.

KH: "You're beautiful," he mumbled quietly, but it surely affected you.

After all this time of being with him, he never failed to make the butterflies in your stomach go crazy. Blushing, you hid your face in his chest. His arm snaked around your shoulder and rubbed your skin soothingly. You heard him chuckle cutely, only intensifying your feelings.

Suddenly, he let out a startled noise. Instantly, you pulled away to look at him. His eyes were fixed on something behind you, but he didn't seem startled anymore. Pure excitement mirrored in his eyes. When you turned your head, you understood fully. Big, white, fluffy snowflakes were floating in the air outside.

KH: "The first snow!!!!" he yelled enthusiastically, making you jump.

You had never seen him get up quite this rapidly. In two seconds he was standing by the glass, pressing his nose against the cold window. His breath created a cloud on the material, making you laugh at his behaviour. Your smile died when he reached for the handle and opened the window.

"Don't!" you whined, hiding in the still-warm blankets.

He was wearing only boxers, yet he seemed to not feel the cold. Bending out the window, he held his palm up, trying to collect some of the snowflakes. After a few seconds, he watched the ice in his hand and turned around. The look he gave you alarmed you. Vigorously, you shook your head at him, telling him to stay away.

KH: "Y/n-ah, don't you wanna see the snow?" he grinned. "It's pretty...and cold."

His smile had become playful and you knew just what it meant. He was fast to react when you threw the blankets away and hurried up in a rush. You ran out the door, while he followed you quickly. Hearing his loud giggles as he chased you through the house, you prayed the snow had already melted when he would catch you. That was it. Another peaceful morning was gone.


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