Under The Mistletoe | Yong Hoon x You

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11 December 2019, 9:26 PM


You glanced at the calendar and saw that it was December 5th and realized the lack of Christmas-ness in your home. Yong Hoon and you have only just moved in together last week and finished furnishing your home.

Apart from that, this was the first time you guys will start living together that's why he would be very sentimental about everything you do together. The both of you were very excited to make many new memories because it's the first time for a lot of things and that also includes decorating for Christmas.

You were hanging up a few stars and hearts on the door and suddenly he attacked you with a giant bear hug from the back. You didn't mind hugging him but he wouldn't let go and you were trying to decorate.

YH: "Jagiya, I love you," he mumbled into your neck.

Although you were annoyed by his disturbance to your decorating process, you just have to kiss him back. He smiled into the kiss because he was so happy that you're all his and that you two finally get to spend this Christmas privately.

 He smiled into the kiss because he was so happy that you're all his and that you two finally get to spend this Christmas privately

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Next, you went to set up some fairy lights, followed by some stockings and fake leaves on the staircase. You noticed that Yong Hoon was nowhere to be seen so you called out his name.

"Yong Hoon oppa!!? Where and what are you doing? I would appreciate it if I could get some help."

His head popped out of the wall next to the stairs within a second. He then hopped over holding a mistletoe and started grinning cheekily.

"No, not now." 

You could tell that he was playfully offended as he started pouting and nudging you with his elbows.

You sighed and look away but felt bad for him.

You decided that maybe taking a break wouldn't be a bad idea so you turned back around to him, but as you did so, he walked away and you were worried that he was actually upset by your actions.

A few minutes later, you hear Christmas music playing from the living room.

(now imagine him wrapped in a mess of silver tinsel with a Santa hat on)

Curious about what he was up to this time, you dropped the baubles that you were about to hang and skipped towards the living room where you saw him dancing like an idiot with his hands curled into a ball and holding them up and down to the music.

He looked over to you and signalled you to come over with his fingers.

You knew that your progress would be interrupted once more but you couldn't help but laugh at least a little, so you followed him.

You knew that your progress would be interrupted once more but you couldn't help but laugh at least a little, so you followed him

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(massive uwu)

He then pulls out the aegyo card just to make sure you won't reject him this time around.

YH: "I'm the dancing Christmas tree, come dance with me," he said, twirling you around him

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YH: "I'm the dancing Christmas tree, come dance with me," he said, twirling you around him.

But you were used to him acting this way so it did not really affect you.

"Stop playing around and focus... please?" you said gently, trying not to hurt his feelings because you wanted to get stuff done.

He looked a little upset and walked away again, except this time he left you alone for a while and you got to finish decorating almost everything from the doorway to the living area. The last thing that was missing was a bunch of cute ornaments you wanted to hang in the kitchen around the cabinets, but you remembered where you had stowed them at; the top of your high wardrobe.

You could've gotten a chair but you realized you missed him so you called his name cutely.

"Yong Hoonie~~"

While you called out to him, the oven timer rang to show that the Christmas sugar cookies you prepared earlier today were finally done baking.

At first, you thought he wouldn't come but then he did.

YH: "Didn't you want me gone?" he asks, acting sulky while folding his arms.

"I wanted you to focus, not gone. Why would I ever want you gone?"

He tried his best to hold back his smile but you caught it anyway.

"Could you please get me this box from up there?" 

He suddenly pulls out the mistletoe again then turns to you, staring into your eyes.

YH: "One condition, only if you give me a kiss first."

This boy was really something, the term giving up does not exist in his dictionary. But then again, you didn't mind kissing him so you stepped forward on your tippy-toes and placed your lips on his while he continues to hold the mistletoe above the both of you.

He tasted of sugar and vanilla and you loved it until it finally hit you and realized why.

"YAH! Did you eat our Christmas cookies???"


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