White Christmas | Kang Hyun x You

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚Author's Note˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

i swear the reason why there's another kanghyun oneshot is not because he's my bias ><

this one's a little more special compared to the other chapters because it's written based on a dream i had. i wanted to write this before i forget the details because it's probably the best dream i ever had. sadly it was from a short nap, wish it could've been from a proper sleep so that more events could happen but i'll take what i can get  :p

read with music to get a better mood~


It was Christmas Eve, and you were sitting next to the Christmas tree with Kang Hyun. There were no presents under the tree, but you had an unspoken understanding that you would exchange presents, and you each held the other's wrapped gift behind your back.

KH: "Mmm, the atmosphere is really good, isn't it?" he asked with a grin.

You looked around. The room was lit by a scattering of candles and the lights that the two of you had strung around the tree a few weeks before. This cast a soft glow on the walls, and the floor was toasty warm.

 This cast a soft glow on the walls, and the floor was toasty warm

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You smiled and faced your boyfriend.

"Mmm," you replied and withdrew a gift box topped with a bow from behind your back.

"Oppa, this is for you," you said, and handed it to him.

He opened the box, carefully parting the tissue paper and peering inside. His eyes widened when he caught sight of his gift, and his shock quickly turned to thrilled excitement.

KH: "How thoughtful!"

He removed his new noise-cancelling, high-quality headphones from the package and turned them over in his hands.

KH: "Thank you."

He leaned over and kissed you on the cheek before you could react.

You beamed.

"I thought you could use them after...you know."

His band member had borrowed them one rainy day and accidentally dropped them in a puddle. Your boyfriend hadn't been able to listen to his favourite music ever since.

In turn, he reached behind his back and pulled out a rather lumpy wrapped gift, which he handed to you.

KH: "Sorry about that," he said, rubbing his neck in embarrassment as you turned the package over, trying to find a gap in the vast amount of tape. "I wasn't really sure how to wrap it."

"It's just well protected," you said good-naturedly, finally finding an edge of the tape to pull at.

With some difficulty and your boyfriend's aid, you managed to unwrap the paper. You found yourself staring down at what appeared to be a small blanket.

KH: "Open it," your boyfriend urged.

You unwound the blanket, revealing a shiny new copy of ONEWE's latest album.

KH: "I had to get you a copy," he said, then lowered his voice and his eyes, adding, "my...my solo song on that album is for you."

You were touched.

"Thank you. I'll listen to it every day while you're away on tour."

You tucked your hand into his.

"But oppa..." you giggled. "What's the blanket for?"

KH: "I couldn't let the album get scratched!" He exclaimed. "A lot of work went into that little box there."

He used his free hand to gesture to the CD package.

You looked at his face, almost radiant in the candlelight, and his shining eyes. Your own eyes fell upon your discarded gift box lid, and you decidedly plucked the bow from it and placed it on top of Kang Hyun's head.

 Your own eyes fell upon your discarded gift box lid, and you decidedly plucked the bow from it and placed it on top of Kang Hyun's head

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"Waigu~," you cooed, "so handsome!"

He coughed, seeming a bit shy, then moved to stand up.

KH: "Jagiya, I have something for you to wear too," he said. "Wait here while I get it."

He helped you up and guided you to a sitting position on the couch. You sat there for a moment, wondering if he had bought you a Christmas sweater. Sometimes you bought each other silly gifts for fun.

But instead of sprinting off to the bedroom like you expected him to, he knelt in front of you, his eyes searching yours. He reached into his pocket, fumbling slightly, and pulled out a small black box, which he then snapped open and held out to you.

 He reached into his pocket, fumbling slightly, and pulled out a small black box, which he then snapped open and held out to you

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KH: "Y/n-ah," he said, his voice full of sincerity, "will you marry me?"

Your breath caught, and you began to nod before you could say anything.

"Of course I will!"

You sat still, unable to move. Your boyfriend, now your fiance, slipped the diamond ring onto your finger.

He caught your gaze, and you conveniently stood up at the same time, enabling you to hug. He wrapped his arms around you as though he didn't want to let go, resting his chin on the top of your head. After several minutes, he pulled back so that he could kiss you.

KH: "I love you so much, y/n."

"I love you too," you said sweetly, but then you began to giggle when you noticed that he was still wearing the bow on top of his head.

KH: "What is it?" He blinked in confusion.

"Oppa," you laughed, "you were the real present."

His face went blank for a second, but then he realized what you meant and chuckled, embracing you again. You could see the reflection of the engagement ring in one of the ornaments on the tree. Your giggling came to a stop, and you held him tighter.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2020 ⏰

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