Chapter 9

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Before he knew it, Naruto was sitting in a small room with a small office computer, a window, and two chairs. Sasuke had forced him to go to a therapist. Naruto had somehow convinced himself that he didn't need one, but now he was questioning his mental health.

"So, lets start off with the easy questions." His therapist started. "How long have to been feeling like this?"

"Uh. A long time? Gosh uhm. Like, 7 years? No, everything went downhill after my dad left so maybe like, 4 years." He weakly responded.

"I see. Exactly what happened after your dad left?" She asked.

"Well, my mother broke down..." Naruto didn't want to get specific. He didn't like the idea of opening up to someone he had just met.

The therapist asked him a few more questions before their session was over.

"That'll be all for today! You can call me Olivia!" She said.

"Thanks Olivia!" Naruto said as he walked out he door. 

As Naruto walked down the hallway he wondered whether or not he should tell his therapist about his feelings towards Sasuke. As Naruto approached the lobby, he saw Sasuke sitting in one of the chairs. 

"How'd it go?" He asked the blonde as he stood up.

"It was alright. She just asked about my life sorta." Naruto didn't remember too much of what happened.

The two boys walked out of the building. Naruto's thoughts started trailing to the night before. He remembered what he'd said to Sasuke and more importantly, what Sasuke had said to him.

"I think I do too."

Did Sasuke really love him? Or was he just lying to Naruto to make him  feel better. Was Sasuke just pitying him? Would he do that? Naruto and Sasuke had  just been acting as they normally would, pretending the night before never happened. Did Sasuke forget? 

Soon the two boys approached Sasuke's house. They walked up to his room and turned on the TV.

"Hey Sasuke?" Naruto asked as he leaned on his shoulder.

"Hm?" He responded, keeping his attention on the tv in his room.

"What are we?"

Sasuke turned to Naruto for a moment, then turned away again and shrugged. A very 'Sasuke' thing to do.

"I dunno, what do you want us to be?" Sasuke asked, carelessly.

Naruto turned red. How could he ask something like that so lightly? How was Naruto even supposed to answer that? Hell, Naruto didn't even know what he wanted them to be. Boyfriends? Well yeah, but he didn't want to tie Sasuke down like that. Plus, it's not like he could just come right out and say that.

"I...don't know." He looked down.

"We'll figure it out." Sasuke gave Naruto a strangely comforting smile.

"Kay," Naruto sighed.

"Now lemme watch this Naruto, it's my fav show."

Naruto smirked, "What? I thought your favorite show was on Pornhub?"

"Naruto do you have a death wish?"

"I mean, I'd let myself be killed if it were you." Naruto joked.

"Sh-Shuddup." Sasuke blushed.

The two boys stayed focused on the tv.

"Oh hey! This is Glee!" Naruto said, finally looking at the tv.

"Ya dumbass, if you'd looked earlier you would've known that sooner." Sasuke mocked.

"Oh shut up." Naruto said as he moved closer to Sasuke.


"You need to come up with a better nickname." Naruto mentioned.

"Oh really? I think Dobe suits you!"

"Well I think asshole suits you!"

"Uh huh." Sasuke said patting Naruto on the head.

"W-What the hell!" Naruto  became flustered and smacked Sasuke's hands away.

"You're cute when you're flustered." Sasuke said.

"Sh-Shut up." 


(A/N No idea what I'm doing anymore. My friend found my Wattpad. RIP. So, if you're reading this Bri, Hey. Ps: Remember the blackmail I have on you? Ya, don't leak my stories to other people I know Bri. Ok anyways!

 Ok anyways!

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Naruto is basically named after a porn character because Jiraiya wrote hentai didn't he? I just started watching Shippuden so don't come for me if I'm wrong

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Naruto is basically named after a porn character because Jiraiya wrote hentai didn't he? I just started watching Shippuden so don't come for me if I'm wrong.

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