Chapter 8

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Guess what?!? New chapter!!!!!!! :D lol yea i've literally had nothing to do this four day weekend except for i went with my mom to the mall today but other than that i did nothing. So here we are with a new chapter and a long one for you :D i hope you guys enjoy it and i love y'all to peices! xx ~Sarah 

        At this school we only have four class periods in a day and lunch was during my third period class but that class was only a study hall so nothing big was going on during it. There weren’t many kids in my study hall, only about maybe ten or so it was very quiet so Zoe and I just quietly chatted in the back of the room. Zoe told me a little about her family and how she is a middle child with an older brother and a younger sister. Her older brother, Nick seemed nice but her younger sister, Kellie seemed like a demon. The only thing I told her about my life is that I am an only child and I told her a little bit about Maya but that was it. After third period I had my final class of the day which was chorus. Zoe was in this class as well so she met up with me at my locker when I was getting my stuff together for chorus.

                “Hey Ally you ready for our last period of your first day?” she asked and I nodded with a smile since I was really looking forward to going to chorus. I was bummed that I wasn’t able to join the advanced choir they had here because that was something I needed to audition for at the end of last school year. However I was informed that I am welcome to try out at the end of this school year so that I can be in it next year. They called it select choir (which is what I’m in at my school lol) and they sing most of their songs acapella which is where you sing without accompaniment. I loved that kind of music because it is so beautiful and you are really able to hear the people’s voices instead of having to hear them over a piano or any other kind of instrument.

                Zoe led me down the hallway which I still felt cautious about because again, people were staring at me, giving me curious looks along with mumbling to their friends as they continued to watch me like hawks. Like seriously, just mind your own business. Zoe told me about our chorus teacher as we made our way to class.

                “Well her name is Miss. Ellis and she is the sweetest teacher ever! She is so nice but she absolutely hates phones so whenever someone takes their phone out during class I swear to you all hell breaks loose. Some of us wonder when that vein is going to pop out of her neck,” she said with a disgusted look. “So make sure that you don’t take your phone out during class,” she said as she pointed her finger at me warningly and I nodded since that wasn’t really a problem for me because I never take my phone out during class.

The chorus room was right across the hall from the cafeteria and down the hall a little bit. When I first walked in I was greeted by loud chatter from students who were sitting in their seats and talking with their friends. There looked to be around sixty people in the chorus all together, around ten of them were guys. There are never a lot of guys in high school choirs I came to realize which is a bummer because they really do help out choir’s alot. Some of the students turned their heads and watched me as I walked into the class room, some smiling kindly at me and some just plain out staring like I was some sort of animal. I felt extremely uncomfortable and I immediately ducked my head down from there stares and sat down next to Zoe as she crossed one leg over the other and brushed her hands against her dress to straighten it out.

“Hey Zoe, hey Ally!” I heard two voices shout and I turned my head quickly to see Jasmine and Chelsea walking over to us with smiles on their faces and I immediately grinned back.

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