Day Off

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Just a warning, there is swearing in this story. If you don't want swearing in these stories I can change it. Thanks for your understanding! - Vez

Peter walks out of the elevator with a tired expression on his face. He walks straight past Tony, who is calls "Hey Pete! How was school today?"

Peter mumbles a quick good before dragging his exhausted body into the comfort of his bedroom. He reached his bed and flopped onto it, groaning deeply. He reached into his bag, trying to pull out the massive wads of homework. The worksheets continue coming out from the bag. He sorts through to pick his most important work then searches for a sharpened pencil. "Friday, play Despacito" he says before getting pulled into the full swing of homework.

"Peter! Dinner is ready!" Tony calls from the messy kitchen.

 Tony strangely didn't hear Peter's voice though. "Don't worry, I didn't burn the food, or the brand new kitchen. " he jokes but still, there still wasn't a response.

 Tony started to freak out, was Peter okay? "Friday! What's Peter doing? Give me a photo" the worried man calls to the A.I.

 "Sir, it seems like Peter fell asleep while completing his homework. Would you like me to wake him up?" Friday replies while projecting a photo of his current state. 

"No no, let him get some rest. And while your at it, can you ring Peter's school to tell them that Peter will not be attending class tomorrow. " Tony says gently, trying not to wake the sleeping child.

 "Sure thing boss, I'll call them now." she answers, in a monotone voice. 

Tony grabs a slice of lasagna and piles salad onto his plate. He walks over before sitting down at the big, empty dining table. He sure did miss all of the Avengers, even with their stupid antics.

Tiny timeskip

"Boss, the principal would like to speak to you" Friday tells Tony. 

He nods then he hears "If you are one of those pesky motherfuckers that keep trying to imitate Tony's 'helpers', I will personally find you and hunt you -" the principal began, his voice booming in rage.

 "No you bitch, I am the real Tony Stark, billionaire, playboy, genius, philanthropist and if you don't believe me I will personally hunt you down." Tony snarled. 

On the other side of the line, the principal froze in shock. "No, no sir. You are free to take or bring Peter Parker whenever you want, or whenever you need. I can make sure the teachers don't overload him with homework and can give him extra one-on-one classes with his teachers when he requires." the principal stutters.

 "I am sure that won't be necessary, Mr Oldenshire (I don't know his real name) At the moment, just the whole week off will be okay." Tony replied, rolling his eyes with mock disgust. He ended the call and sighed, he was sick of how other people treated him.

"Sir, Peter is awake." Friday tells him as he starts to dig into his meal. 

"Just tell him that he can come to the table for dinner." Tony smiles. Even though it has been about 15 minutes, simple things like having dinner weren't as fun and happy without Peter. He just couldn't wait to spend more time with him, just those two.

Peter wakes up to find that he fell asleep while doing his homework. The tired boy picks up his pencil to continue  his work. Friday's voice interruptus his study. "Tony wants you to know that lasagna is out on a living room table." Friday speaks.

Peter smiles and walks out towards a table. He enters the room to find him eating his own original Italian recipe this time, not burned. "Yum! Can I have some?" Peter asks, scaring Tony.

"Kid, you frightened me, but have some. It's great!" Tony answers.

 Peter walks to the kitchen and piles his plate with a simple Greek salad and a perfect looking lasagna. He sits down and starts eating. "Hey Pete, I noticed you have had a lot of work to do lately and I managed to organise a week of school." Tony surprises the kid. 

Tony saw Peter's shocked face relax. "Thanks Dad!" Peter replies before realising what he said.

 A look of embarrassment crosses this face. "I'm so sorry Mr Stark!" The boy apologizes. 

"No calling me Mr Stark anymore kid." Tony reassured Peter. The teen nods, "Oh, ok." 

"So... what do you want to do?" Tony asks.

Peter's eyes widen "Well, there are some great things we should try! We should get Ned to come over to after-school!," Peter started rambling "like Delmar's and catching the subway...perhaps-"

"-Ok Peter,  that's a lot of things!" Tony laughed. 

"Just let me choose breakfast and dinner for tomorrow." Tony compromises.

The teen nods, a bright smile on his face.

Thanks for reading this! I hope you enjoyed it. Just dm me some ideas for me to write. I am also working on Stark Towers. Have a good day lovelies - Vez

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