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One Year Old: Peter sat on his chair smiling, cake around his mouth and his hands. The Avengers laughed as Tony wiped the baby's face. Pepper put on and they sat on the couches, bellies empty but hearts full.

Two Years Old: No one forgot about little Peter's second birthday. The Avengers arrived from wherever they were just to celebrate, to see the sight of a very cute baby. Tony was in Peter's room, listening to his beatboxing. 'Bah ba ooh! Ba ba ah! Ba ba ba aah!' the baby rapped. The group watched both in awa and in hysterics. "You deserve a slice of cake Peter" Clint applauded. They hummed in agreement.

Three Years Old: The Avengers had stayed for the party but had to leave. Peter, in all his glory, started to head to Tony's lab. "No Pete!" Tony warned, as his hands reached towards the toddler. Peter squealed with delight as he got picked up and started 'flying in the air'. "It's bed time Peter. Let's go," Tony smiled, his eyes warm and compassionate, "Happy birthday."

Four Years Old: And last but not least, Tony's gift. Peter walks over to the big gift and tries to unwrap the big, irregular shape. The wrapping paper tore easily, revealing a red and yellow stuffed toy. "Iwon Man!" Peter yells with excitement. The boy picks up the huge toy and gives it the best hug ever.

Five Years Old: Peter sat patiently, waiting for his class to arrive for his birthday party. All day, the Avengers had helped to prepare his decorations and now it is all complete. One- thirty had come, but no one was there. Peter's bottom lip trembled. "Peter, there might just be a traffic jam." Tony tried to reassure the disappointed boy. Peter sniffed hopefully as they sat down on the couch, waiting.

It had been 10 minutes past the start of the party and still, no one had arrived. Peter couldn't  hold his sadness any more. Tears started to fall down his face. Tony's heart broke as he watched the small boy's sadness pour out before him. The billionaire embraced the poor boy, trying to calm him down.

Ned knocked on the door with excitement. A person, in HIS class is having a birthday in THE Stark Towers, the most coolest place ever. A small, frail boy stepped out, his eyes bloodshot. "Hi Peter. I'm Ned! Happy birthday" Ned greeted, holding out a present. "There isn't anyone else here, but come in." Peter mumbled nervously, not loooking up at Ned. Ned stepped inside.

The room was decorated spectacularly, glimmering in the natural light. "Woah!" whispered Ned, star struck by the elegance of the room. Peter led the boy into the lounge room. "Hey Peter! Who was at the door?" Tony asked. Ned tilted his head in confusion, wondering who that is, the voice sounding strangely familiar.

'It can't be' Ned thought. But when Peter took Ned to the couch, Ned almost fainted. "Hi Mr Stark! I'm one of Peter's classmates. I'm so sorry I was late, I had an appointment previously." Ned introduced, rambling about his day and so on.

Peter listened to Ned, trying to fill up some courage to speak. "How are you going Peter?" Captain America asks sincerely, as he and the other Avengers walk into the room. "Good, I guess." Peter replies, words sounding muffled. Cap looks around at the living area, space decorated with various decorations. The superhero notices the unused dining table and the place left untouched. Then he glances back at Peter, red puffy eyes filled with sadness. Then blonde then notices Tony and another boy, around the same age as Peter. The voices that were talking stop abruptly, the people turning around to face Steve. "Are you- are you Captain America?" Ned stutters, almost jumping with excitement. "Sure am kiddo. Steve Rodgers, at your service. And you are?" Steve answers, holding out his hand. "Ned Leeds sir, a classmate of Peter's," Ned tells the hero, gleaming. "Peter makes the best art you know, all galaxy themed, kind of like Star Wars. I have a lego set of the Star Wars in my bedroom along with-" Ned started, but being interrupted by a laughing Peter. "Then you should know episode 7, only the best episode ever!"

The boys beamed, talking back and forth about everything, from favourite avenger to what they do in their free time. The adults watch from a distance as the young boys chat to each other with delight.

"Bye Peter!" Ned smiled back at the birthday boy.

"Bye Ned! See you at school!" Peter said before he closed the door, feeling the best feeling ever.

It was meant to be 14 years, one for every year I have lived through. (I turned 14) but the 5yrs old took so long. Hope you enjoy! Have a good day lovelies.


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