Stark Towers Part 3

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Hi, I just want to shout out to CHB4Ever and lamming19 for voting for my story!
"Hi and welcome to the grand tour of Stark Towers," the guide says. "If you are interested in assisting as a worker, then come up to collect a badge and a pad here. When everyone is ready, I will instruct you how to set it up before starting the test."

Peter and Ned fall into a line with the rest of the group with a radiant excitement surrounding them. "This is surreal, not only do we get a tour to Stark Towers, but we might even get a job here!" Ned exclaims.

Peter nods, feeling faint, and barely manages to reach the front of the line. He thanks the guide and takes the badge and pad from her hands. He stumbles across to a spare couch nearby and relaxes into it. He weakly waves Ned over, and Ned follows in suit.

"Listen up everyone!," the guide announces. She explains how to turn the pad on and access the test. Peter starts the test, and manages to complete most of it in no time, even with his mild overload. Ned, on the other hand, has difficulties with some of the advanced science questions. I'll ask Peter later he thought before submitting the test. Ned collected both pads and handed them to the guide. He went to go sit back down with Peter, waiting for the rest to finish.

They sit in silence, playing Uno on their phones, Ned in the lead. "Uno!" he whispers while Peter frowns. The anonymous person draws a +4 card onto the deck. Peter growls as he picks up the needed card. Then Ned places his final card in victory. Peter left the online game in annoyance.

Peter's head aches. He grabs a bottle of water beside him in a attempt to soothe his pain. He stumbles towards the bathroom in discomfort.

"Peter, you have a twisted wrist, five cuts, six bruises and ten other injuries. Would you like me to contact the doctor?" Friday calls, concerned.

Peter goes pale. "No no, that won't be necessary. " he says.
He takes some time to cover the cuts before heading back to the group in a hurried manner.

The last person handed in their Stark pad. "Thank you," the guide responds before adressing the group. " Now that the results will be recorded, you have the opportunity to visit an area of your choice. There is the science department, the technology department and the training rooms. The science area are a mix of science and tech testing and science labs. The technology area is where you can built tech and test it, although some of the testing is done in the science area. Last but not least, is the training rooms. The rooms are used for the Avengers to train, testing weapons and kids workshops. You have an hour before your card shuts down, so make sure you leave before then. There are more guides in each area if you want a guided tour, otherwise, have a great day! " she finishes.

Suddenly, another voice speaks. "Hello Peter, Dr Banner would like to see you"

Oh oh.

Thanks for reading this, it takes me forever to write and it's always so short. Aaah! Um... yeah I get distracted a lot and writer's block isn't helping me with anything new so sorry about that. Well have a great day lovelies - Vez

Also, is it just me but I am writing Christmas stories. Lol. Ok,ok I'm done. See ya!

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