Husk x Shy!Mouse!reader

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Cat and Mouse

Requested by @Blue_Ryuu17

     Your POV~
After a few years in hell, I had gotten used to everyone being so cold and sour to others. I know how to protect myself, but conflicts can sometimes make me freeze up. I saw a horde of demons around a tv and I peeked through them.
"Sorry" I squeaked when one bumped into me. I saw the princess of hell, Charlie, singing about a Happy Hotel to rehabilitate sinners. I smiled thinking this was my chance to see my family. I left right away to go to it.

~time skip~

I've been looking around for hours and I couldn't find it. Closest place I could find was a place called Hazbin Hotel. I decided to see if this was it and walked in. I went to the front desk as my ears went down. I had forgotten I needed to speak to them to see if I can get a room. I timidly rang the bell and the princess darted to the desk so fast, it seemed like she teleported. "Hi, are you here to check in?" She asked excitedly. I squeaked softly in surprise and nodded slightly. We went through everything needed to check me in. I then looked around curious and stopped when my gaze fell unto a bar.

What mainly caught it though was the one who was running it. "Oh that's husk, he's a grump" Charlie giggled and gave me my room key. I nodded, still afraid to talk. I jumped slightly when his gaze turned to me, causing my face to heat up. "Ooh~ drama" a feminine white and pink spider male purred mischievously as he walked in. He pushed me towards the bar, he had four arms and was much stronger than me so I couldn't escape. "Hey babe, she'll take a Jack with coke" the spider cooed as he flirted with Husk. (I don't know alcoholic beverages so I went with one that sounded real)

"U-um th-thank you" I stuttered softly and held my key close as I started to get more and more nervous. The spider winked at me and went back to the other side of the room. "You don't seem like the type of person to wind up here in hell kid" Husk grumbled as he prepared my drink. "I don't know why I ended up here either, I got killed by a hit and run and poof I'm here" I said and giggled softly at the end. He raised an eyebrow, "that's interesting" he mumbled and took a swig of his booze and gave me my drink.

~time skip a few hours~

After talking to him for a few hours, I felt closer to him. It was a little easier to talk to him, but I still stuttered here and there and couldn't look in his eyes. "The bars closing, see you tomorrow" husk said and sent a wink my way as he went to the elevator. That caused my face to go bright red, my tail curled up making a heart. I couldn't believe that I have grown a crush already on a demon I just met, but I'm not complaining. I had a slight lovesick smile as I went to my room and went to bed. Still thinking about Husk as I fell asleep.

(Thank you for reading)

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