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"James, get your ass out of the trailer! I want to go for a drink!" yelled Michael from the outside of the door. He had pounded on it for 5 minutes and begged James to go for a couple of drinks with him.

It only encouraged James to turn the music up louder. The only reason he had taken so long was because he didn't want to go. He may have promised Michael he'd go out but he honestly just wanted to listen to Queen.

The pounding sound got louder until eventually James got sick of it and opened the door, "Fuck off, mate. I don't want to go to the pub." Michael rolled his eye before grabbing James' collar to get him out. At first, he winced but he eventually was able to breathe enough to joke.

"Well this is very enticing and sexual Michael but I don't want to right now." James joked as he was being strangled by his stupid friend. Michael chuckled and thought about what he would do. It was obvious. He let go of James and let him fall to the dirt.

"Can we just go, James? I need some alcohol." Michael impatiently stared at him. When he got himself to his feet, he rolled his eyes, "Fine, let's get some drinks but don't get too pissed, we have to work tomorrow." A celebratory cheer came from Michael before he realised what James had said.

It forced a snigger from Michael's nose and a face nobody wanted to see from the Scottish man. They both knew Michael was crap at staying sober. When he noticed the scowl, Michael walked off in the direction of the night scene where all the pubs and clubs were.

"Oi, you bastard! Don't leave me behind!" He yelled as he struggled to match the speed of Michael. But the quicker James went, the more Michael sped up and soon they both sprinted down the streets. It was a pointless race because it was obvious Michael would make it there first.

He stopped and caught his breath again as when he ran, it tired him out so much, more than it should. When James went round the corner, he patted Michael's back and panted, "Caught...up...to...you..."

They paused there for a minute before they moved again. Traffic sped by, they honked their horns multiple times, Michael jumped every time and clutched James' buff arm for some comfort.

"You can be such a pussy, you know that?" His comforter mocked as he made fun of him by seeming so terrified of the cars. Michael pushed him away, "You know why I don't like the cars."

"I know but you need to learn they're not all bad, Mikey." James reassured, an arm over his shoulder, "Anyway, how far is the pub from here?"
"It's not too far, just a long walk from here."

James rolled his eyes for the second time that day and began to mess around to relieve his boredom, he walked like a weirdo and did other things that Michael couldn't understand.

Maybe that's what Scottish people do to pass time, he thought to himself as he felt very confused by his actions. It was almost like James had already been drinking and had gotten extremely drunk.

"You know what, I'm going to go ahead." Michael said as he began to speed up and get to the pub before James. He just wanted to get away from the embarrassing mess that was James McAvoy.

With the pub in sight, he became reckless and began to cross the road without doing any sort of check. At that moment, he heard something that sent a chill down his spine.

The sound of a car speeding.

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