Dance Prodigy Madelaine Rivers: REVEALED & REVIEWED

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"Welcome back, ballet connoisseur's. Today we're here with the chance to possibly witness history!" Margaret Teterman exclaims with excitement coursing through her bones. Hundreds of men and woman slowly walk into the auditorium behind her. "Director Igor Maccaux took possibly the biggest risk you could imagine, casting eight year old Madelaine Rivers for the lead role in one of the hardest ballets in dance history." Margaret's smile starting to fall to exhaust emotion to the audience. She takes a deep breath as they start walking through the room.

"Maccaux, discovered young Madelaine in the south of Florida, dancing ballets far above her own level. Maccaux observed her talent and claims he's found ballets newest dance prodigy. Is it all talk or has he actually found something?" Margaret spoke. The camera follows her as she walks up to a tall and stiff looking woman, her hair in a tight bun and a clean black suit flowed down her board-like body.

"Here we have dance teacher extroardinaire, Paige Resnakov. Ms. Resnakov, what do you think of the rumors surrounding this little girl no one seems to know anything about?" Margaret asks with immense interest. The woman turns her nose up in distaste.

"I do not believe a child can be a prodigy of dance. I believe ballet takes years to truly master. It takes grace, discipline, hard-work, dedication, and most importantly, skill." The woman speaks her opinion, looking directly into the camera lens. Margaret wanted to smirk, she was so getting promoted for this.

"And what exactly are your thoughts on young Madelaine being cast as Aurora in the difficult ballet; sleeping beauty?" Margaret asks with fascinated interest. She wanted to milk all she could out of this. Everyone's attracted to a bad review... Resnakov sneered at the reporter.

"I cannot wait to see the идиот (idiot in Russian. Google translate sucks) finally get what he deserves. Igor is a bastard and he never should have gotten the credit he doesn't deserve! Casting an eight year girl to play the sophisticated role of Aurora," Resnakov cringed in literal disgust. "Aurora is a complex role, the sheer difficulty of the technique required, scene after scene, is difficult for dancers who have practiced for years, let alone a girl who has only been alive for a few years." Resnakov shook her head, shaming Igor for what he has done.

"We will see just how much of an absolute disaster this ballet turns out to be." Resnakov says before walking out of the camera frame.

Margaret Teterman was grinning ear to ear. She knew this was gold, GOLD BABY! She turned towards the camera and gave a little nod.

"That was Paige Resnakov on her thoughts," Margaret started to speak when the lights started slowly flashing. Margaret smiles widely. "Well folks, it looks like the ballets about to start. Questions we need to know; Will Madelaine successfully perform the role of Aurora, or will she choke? Will Igor Maccaux's career fall down the drain? We'll see. I'm Margaret Teterman with channel 9 news. Max, take it away with sports." She said enthusiastically. The cameraman behind the camera gave her a single they were out and her smile dropped.

"Shit, Jeremiah. We need to get the hell in there." She spoke, feeling rushed as only a couple more people were walking in. The chubby cameraman nodded and ran after her as she bounded to the doors before they closed.

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