The Queen Of Bad Relationships Was Giving Me Relationship Advice?!

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About two weeks later and Jesse had to go back to Lima. He had taken his time off from work but vocal adrenaline was obviously very strict and he needed to be there.

We had spent almost every day together. He would be there whenever I had nothing to do, whenever I was done with dance and wanted to hang. It was nice. We got to know a lot about each other. The fun stuff and the serious stuff.

He promised he would text even though we would be so far from each other. He had so far lived up to that, but it has only been three days since he left. We'll see how this goes. I could definitely feel my trust for him grow, but we both had a lot of work to do.

But with Jesse here and dance being as demanding as always, I hadn't managed to spend a lot of time with Miranda. Her friends were interesting and fun as well but Miranda was as close to a best friend as I had.

So that afternoon I sat in my living room, fiddling with my phone as I wondered what I could ask her to do for the day. I was so caught up in my thoughts, that I didn't even notice my dad walk in.

"Waiting for Jesse to text?" He asks.

I somehow manage to jump up in surprise... as I was sitting. I clutch my hand to my chest as I bend backwards to look at my dad in the kitchen. I watched as he grabbed a bag of chips and loudly began munching on them.

"Pardon?" I ask, gripping my phone a little tighter.

Dad had started off being really awkward about this. He was weary and nervous about Jesse being back in my life. He didn't want Jesse to hurt me again, and honestly, I didn't want that either. I was tired of feeling like crap and I was ready for the good stuff.

But as Jesse came around more often, and left me in smiles, and texted and called a lot, he was slowly growing more ok with him. My dad even allowed Jesse to spend some time around the house.

Jesse had dropped off at our house to say good bye before he left back for Lima. My dad was nervous because he thought Jesse was leaving and hurting me again. Once Jesse had explained his job and what was happening, my dad actually let him inside and say goodbye. Things were good after that.

My dad checked in to make sure he was keeping in contact. Over the weeks Jesse had been here, dad had threatened Jesse by saying that he if he hurt me again, he would come to Lima and beat the crap out of him. That scenario more specifically after he had left LA.

So that is why my dad was so concerned in the matter. Why he asked if I was waiting for Jesse to text or call. He wanted to know if he should go over and kick Jesse's ass.

"Are you waiting for Jesse to answer you?" My dad repeats, pointing a chip at me. I chuckle and shake my head.

"No, I was wondering if I should text Miranda. We haven't hung out for awhile but I don't know what I would ask her to do." I say with a shrug. My dad gives me a look as he chews on a chip.

"Seriously? Come on, Madi, just ask her. How about she stay the night. You guys can have a... girls night or whatever it's called." My dad suggests, holding out his bag of chips at the idea. My eyes trail over to the side as I fall into deep thought.

That isn't too bad of an idea. We don't have to do something crazy, maybe a girls night together is just what we need. I smile at my dad in thanks he nods and turns around to go eat his chips on the patio. I sit back out on the couch and bring the phone up my face.

"Hey! Wanna spend the night at mine? Have a girls night and just hang. No clubs, no parties, just chilling and binge watching girly movies." I send the text.

I continue to flip around my phone in my hand until I hear a ding.

"Of course! That actually sounds perfect right about now. I am SO sick of dealing with people. I'll be over in a jiff!" She replies. I smile, excited to have my first official sleepover in years.

The smile quickly fades from my face as a look of horror grows. My room... is a mess! My eyes bug out as I BOLT to my room. I look around the mess and start panicking. How. The hell. Am I suppose to pick all of this up in time.

I scatter around the room, picking things up, tossing things around, hiding things, placing things in certain places so it looks clean. I call it, orderly chaos.

A knock sounds out through the house. The door! Just as Miranda knocks, my phone dings and I'm pretty sure it's Jesse as he's basically the only other person who has my number. I lean on both legs, back and forth. Should I look at the text, or answer the door?

I groan loudly, rushing over to the door. Just as I slam myself into the door, my father places his hand on the knob.

"I got it," I say breathlessly. My dad grins and nods before walking back to the patio. Once he's outside I open the door and smile at Miranda who had three bags in her hands. "Hi." I greet. She smiles back and pushes past me into the house.

"Where's your room?" She asks, walking down the hall.

"First on your right." I shout after her as I start to follow.

When I enter my room, Miranda is looking around it.

"Cute room." She comments, throwing her bags on the ground. I shrug, nodding in agreement. I walk in and close the door. I immediately head over to my phone. Sitting on my bed I check my phone and see the text front Jesse. A text that causes me to smile like the Cheshire Cat.

My bed bounces as Miranda jumps on my bed. She rests her chin on my shoulder.

"It's Jesse isn't it..." She says in a teasing voice. I roll my eyes and push her away from me.

Now, when Miranda found out the guy I was hanging out with was Jesse, she freaked. She was angry about how he previously treated me. But I explained that we were just friends and that I now had a whole army to kick his ass if he ever hurt me again. She quickly let her anger disappear and was quick to tease me about it all the time.

Whenever I would tell her how it was going, or I would gush about him to her with anything, she would tease me about how I liked him and how we were going to live happily ever after as long as he kept treating me like a queen.

"So what if it is?" I ask, the smile never leaving my face. She squeals and grabs her own phone in the process.

"Because you're smiling like Harry Styles just asked you to marry him!" I roll my eyes again and scoot away from her. She groans loudly. "Come on! You guys have to be dating. I don't buy the whole friends thing. It's really hard to imagine you two as anything besides a couple." She says sternly. I shrug my shoulders up to my ears awkwardly.

"I'm sorry to inform you, but we're just friends-"

"But you like him! At least a little!" She shouts, pointing a finger at me. I instantly shut my mouth. I couldn't manage to argue. I had always liked him, and I would've loved to date him, but... I couldn't do that to myself. I didn't trust him. "I knew it..!" She screeched our lowly. We both burst into laughter.

"Ok, ok! So, yes, I like him, but I can't date him right now." I try and explain.

"Why not!" She groans out, going on a rant about how we should be together and it's stupid to wait because we'll both be happier if we're just together. It was funny because the queen of bad relationships was giving me relationship advice?! Finally, enough was enough. I couldn't take it.

"Because I don't trust him right now, Miranda!" I shout over her loud and clear voice. We both stare at each other silently and breathing heavily. "I need to trust him before I make any sort of move. The longer we both wait, the longer I'll be sure it's real, M." I express softly. Her gaze turns into one of sympathy.

"I get that..." She trails off.

The rest of the night we moved on from Jesse talk, although he texted a few times, Miranda didn't mention it. We gossiped, we talked about a new guy she was talking to, about her friends lives, and how our dancing was going.

We ate a ton of food, watched a lot of tv, did our nails, and made stupid little dance routines until 5:37 in the morning. We both ended up falling asleep- exhausted on my queen bed.

Balancing Love ☞︎ A Jesse St. James fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now