This All Feels Terrifyingly... Familiar.

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I get off the phone with Kitty and reply to Spencer's text as I walk into Jesse and I's room. I look up to see Jesse finishing packing our bags.

"Your mother has perfect timing in needing surgery done." I muse. Jesse looks up at me, a confused smile lighting up his face.

"Oh, yeah? Pray, tell, Mrs. St. James." Jesse asks. I roll my eyes, though a smile fights at my lips. I walk over to him and grab my suitcase.

"Because, Kitty and Spencer asked if I wouldn't mind heading over for the day to help Roderick and Spencer with some moves they need to get down for sectionals tonight." I say with a grin.

"Well you are an amazing dancer," Jesse compliments. I smile again. Jesse takes the chance and swoops down, kissing me deeply. I'll admit, my head gets a bit foggy and I don't notice when Jesse snatches my suitcase out of my hand. He moves away with a smirk as he takes our cases and walks out the door. "Come on, we gotta make our flight." He says, his back turned to me. I blink a few times, forcing myself to get my mind together. It's only then I notice. I stare, gaping, as he walks to the door.

"Jesse!" I shout while trying to keep myself from laughing. Jesse doesn't though as his laughter booms throughout the apartment.

"Come on, let's go!" He shouts.

After getting to Lima, we quickly drop our stuff off at Jesses mothers house before we head into McKinley.

"So, how are you going to convince Rachel to take the role?" I ask, looking up at him as we walk through the halls.

Jesse had recently found out and informed me that the audition Rachel recently went to, was to the same show that Jesse was the lead role in! But I suggested after Jesse came home stressing about who was going to be the female lead, that Rachel had auditioned. He talked to his bosses and they offered it, but after a few weeks, she hadn't accepted yet. So, we were going to talk to Rachel, then I was going to help Roderick and Spencer.

Jesse shrugs. "I'm hoping my words will convince her enough... She's probably in the auditorium." He says, walking in the direction of it. I furrow my brows after getting a heavy sensation of deja vu.

We walked into the auditorium and Jesse led me to a chair in the audience. I sat down and looked up at him.

"Wait here. I'm gonna make my entrance." Jesse whispered with a grin. My brows furrow once again. Deja vu, man... but this time, Jesse moves down and kisses me sweetly and softly before he heads down a few levels. Rachel starts singing "Listen to your heart."

Jesse eventually interrupts her. He starts making his way onto the stage as they sing. He stands next to her while they finish the song. This all feels terrifyingly... familiar.

"Wow. Jesse St. James. Where's Madi?" Rachel asks, looking around.

"Right here." I say, standing up with a smirk. I walk quickly onto the stage before Rachel barrels into my arms. We walk over to Jesse.

"What are you guys going here?" She asks.

"Well, I'm from here, and we're just in town for a couple of days. Madi's helping some of your kids and my moms getting a tummy tuck and a little eye work done. So... I thought she could use a little help around the house. The real question is, Rachel Berry... what are you doing here?" Jesse asks, linking his arms with ours and leading us to the piano.

"What? I'm coaching the glee club. Yeah, we're cramming for sectionals now, so..." Rachel trails off

"Well, I heard you were offered a new role in the russel Simmons musical opposite one of broadways hottest up and coming young actors, but that the producers are still waiting to hear back from you." Jesse says. Rachel whips around to look at him.

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