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The two run up to each other like in the movies and jump up, engulfing the other in a hug too harsh that they topple over

"I missed you!" Jungkook whines "Me too!" Taehyung replies in the same tone as Jungkook.

"We need to go now or we'll be late!" Taehyung says hesitating before slowly taking hold of Jungkook's hand softly.

Jungkook eagerly nods and hold Taehyung's hand tighter, thinking of it as nothing but a friendly gesture.

"Come" Taehyung says leading the way to a park. "Jin said he would be waiting here so... let's look around i guess" He adds on, looking in every direction in hopes of finding Jin.


Taehyung whips around and sees Jin waving "WASSUP HOE" he yells back before walking over.

Jungkook is not okay. He is almost dead. Like literally. While Taehyung and Jin converse, he thinks to himself. Does he look okay? Does he look worthy to meet a model? Does he smell good? Shit he forgot to buy new perfume. Oh my god is that bird shit—

His thoughts are interrupted when Jin calls his name "You must be Jungkook!". Jungkook bobs his head up and down with a big cheesy grin "AND YOU'RE KIM SEOKJIN!!!!!!!!"

Jin chuckles and holds out a hand. Shit what if my hands are sweaty Jungkook thinks before hesitantly shaking Jin's hand. "Sooo you're my number one fan? I don't blame you - wait actually you're my second biggest fan because the number one spot is taken up by me, soz but anywayssss why didn't Tae tell me you were so cute?!"

"What do you mean, yes I did? I tell you about him all the time"

"Oh my god Tae i'm trying to compliment him, look at him, poor guy looks all shaken up."

Jungkook quickly snaps out of it and says "Sorry I was just confused at how you're even more handsome in real life somehow"

"Your gayness is showing" Jin giggles

"Soz" Jungkook says quoting Jin from earlier who gasps and places a hand on his heart "I love you already! Look Tae he's just like me, isn't that perfect!"

Taehyung rolls his eyes "So perfect. And, where's Joon?"

"He was feeding the ducks in the pond some bread but I'm not entirely sure where he is right now... let's go find him" Jin replies walking over to the pond to look for Namjoon.

Jungkook looks at the ducks in the pond, all looking equally as fat as each other surrounded by bread crumbs in and out the water

But Namjoon is no where to be seen

Taehyung bends down and looks at the ducks sweetly. "Did you guys eat Namjoon? That's not very nice..."

The duck Taehyung was speaking to lets out an obnoxious quack and swims away, his feet kicking in the water splashing Taehyung a little bit.

"If you guys don't return my boyfriend I will take off my shoe"

Another duck lets out a weak quack and a second later, Namjoon bursts out the water, coughing and breathing heavily while the three boys quickly pull him out, his wet clothes soaking their clothes too.

"Jin... y-you won't believe what happened" Namjoon says breathlessly "The ducks pulled me in and refused to let me out, I almost DROWNED"

"Babe you got my clothes wet" Jin mutters, completely ignoring Namjoon who was still stunned by being pulled into another dimension by ducks.

"Anyway" Namjoon says turning to Jungkook "This is an interesting way to meet"

"Yeah" Jungkook chuckles and shakes Namjoon's wet, cold hand.

"I'm Jin's boyfriend as you know! And you're Tae's boyfriend right?"

"Namjoon what the fuck"

Jungkook nervously laughs and shakes his hands "N-no... we're just friends"

"Ah" Namjoon says "For now"


"I said we need to go home right now because of... you know... modelling shit"

"But Tae told me it was your day off"

"Oh shit would you look at that" Namjoon says looking at his phone "Manager just texted me and told me and Jin to go to the office! Toodles!" he pulls Jin away, ignoring his protests just to get out of the awkward situation

"But I thought Namjoon was Jin's manager..." Jungkook says turning to Taehyung.

"Jungkook sweetie don't think about it too much, he's just embarrassed and all"

Jungkook just pouts and nods

"It's getting late..." Jungkook mutters

"Yeah..." Taehyung says stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets "Do you want me to drop you off?"

Jungkook eagerly nods and lets Taehyung lead the way to his car. Once they're strapped it, Jungkook tells Taehyung his address who puts it in the gps.

He's so hot. Jungkook lets his mind go wild as he glances over to Taehyung who had one hand on the steering wheel and one on the gear, staring out onto the road intently. Safety is so sexy... look at him... making sure we don't die. What a gentleman.

But when Taehyung checked his mirrors that's what turned Jungkook into putty.

"Is me driving really that sexy to you?" Taehyung speaks up after a while. his tone of voice confident.

"W-what? I don't-"

"Oh come on. I know you wanna suck my dick"

"Honestly you're not wrong"

The two look at each other, both clearly surprised at the boldness of themselves when at the exact same time, they both say "Save that for another day"


is the plot going too quick? if so, soz i can't write 😩

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