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"Tae, how do I look?" Jungkook frantically taps Taehyung's shoulder.

They were currently in the changing rooms, getting ready for their couples photo shoot. They had watched Namjoon's and Jin's photoshoot so they have a rough idea of what it's gonna be like but they're still nervous.

"You look beautiful!" Taehyung says, not even sparing Jungkook a glance as he was styling his hair

"Tae! Look at me!" Jungkook whines, stomping his foot. Taehyung finally turns around at this and immediately grins when he sees Jungkook posing shyly. Jungkook was dressed in a white, flowy shirt that had ruffles on the sleeves tucked into tight black jeans and a couple accessories whereas Taehyung was wearing a black vest with a see-through top over, tucked in black leather jeans and a thick belt with many rings on his hands

"Wow..." Taehyung says "You look like a whole buffet"

Jungkook squeals excited "I know right!"

"But you look better" Jungkook adds on

Taehyung points a finger at Jungkook and says "I agree"

Jungkook scoffs, and flicks Taehyung's forehead to which Taehyung pouts but it's all good because Jungkook quickly kisses the pout away.

After putting on some light makeup, Jin and Namjoon rush in "Come on, come on people! We're waiting!"

"Oh we're ready"

"Perfect, now come on" Jin says grabbing their arms and pulls them out, Namjoon following behind

Once they arrive at the set, Taehyung suddenly gets a weird feeling in his stomach "I don't know if I want to do this anymore" he whispers to Jin who instantly gets worried "Why not?!"

"I-I don't know... Jungkook looks so good, what if I mess up everything! He was so excited I don't want to ruin it"

"Taehyung-" Jin starts but gets cut off

Taehyung starts looking around the room scared and he looks like he's on the verge of tears when he says "Look at him compared to me... does he even like me? Jin is he dating me just in pity?! I don't think I'm good enough for him..."

"Taehyung stop!" Jin finally exclaims "You two are perfect for each other! You're one of the handsomest guys i've ever met, you know that! If you weren't handsome, would random strangers on the streets compliment you and would you be here?"

"Well then why do my parents-"

"Don't listen to your parents Tae. They didn't understand what they were saying. You've managed to make a life for yourself ever since you moved out of your parent's house, don't ruin it." Seokjin comforts Taehyung and continues "You're perfect okay? Don't forget that. Now go. Jungkook's waiting for you, see?"

"But Ji-"

"I said go"


"Look Taehyung I didn't want it to have to come to this but you leave me no choice. If you don't get your ass next to Jungkook, I will beat you"

"Damn bro okay" Taehyung chuckles, raising his hands and walks off, feeling better about what Jin said. "You're not worthless Tae... remember that" Taehyung quietly whispers to himself


"Kook, put your arms around Tae's neck- yes perfect! Now Tae, hands on Kooks waist- good and look at each other like you're the last slice of cake!" Namjoon yells

"NO NOT LIKE YOU'RE GONNA EAT EACH OTHER BUT LIKE IN LOVE" Jin says to the couple as the photographer snaps a couple of photos

"Okay now Jungkook sit down, legs crossed and Taehyung, sit behind him, holding a couple strands of his hair up... perfect!" Jin instructs

The photographer takes more photos of Jungkook's bunny smile and Taehyung's boxy smile before giving the signal to Namjoon.

"Okay now, Taehyung pinch those adorable cheeks of Jungkook and Jungkook, pretend you don't like it while smiling even though we all know you like getting your cheeks pinched by T-"

"Okay okay! We get it!" Jungkook whines as the photographer takes more photos, the lights flashing all around the room

The shoot continues for another hour until Taehyung and Jungkook see Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok walk up.

"When did you guys get here?!" Taehyung asks, looking at Yoongi and Jimin

"We've been here since the start of the shoot" Yoongi shrugs

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"Just because" Jimin says

Taehyung finally looks at Hoseok "Hi."


"Can y'all stop acting like children goddamn" Jin sighs

"We all know Taehyung and Jungkook are dating and Yoongi and Hoseok like each other so why are you two getting jealous?" Jimin says to Yoongi and Taehyung

"First of all" Yoongi says "I don't like Hoseok"

"It's clear you have the hots for him"

"No I just find him attractive and I like his dick. That's all."

"If that's all then why did you stalk me just to get my phone number?" Hoseok quirks an eyebrow

"Because I like big dicks and I cannot lie"

"I'm too young for this conversation" Jungkook says, shaking his head.

"Don't act as if you and Taehyung haven't fucked"

"We haven't! ...Yet." Taehyung says

"Anyways..." Hoseok says "Yoongi, I know you like me. I like you too~" he grins

Yoongi fake gags and Hoseok just rolls his eyes, pulling him away.

"Where are they going?" Jimin asks to no one in particular

"They making babies"

"Namjoon, you're banned from this friendship group"




i was reading a book right

checked the comments

and saw my own comment from a couple months ago on it 🗿

then i was like "when that fuck did i read this"

but then i remembered

and i was like "oh well might as well reread it!"

but then i remembered it had a sad ending so i threw that bitch out my library

also happy early birthday yoongi 🥺💕

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