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After composing himself, Taehyung finally opens his mouth to speak when he gets interrupted by Jungkook.

"What are you doing here? Taehyung already said he's not going to Daegu! We're doing perfectly fine here financially so don't expect us to give in and ask you for help. We're getting back up on our feet ourselves okay? So-"

"May we come in?" Taehyung's mother interrupts with an eye roll, getting impatient. Wordlessly, Taehyung steps aside to let his parents make their way to the living room.

"I want them to like you so please be on your best behaviour-" Taehyung mutters in Jungkook's ear.

"Excuse me but I'm not a child that-"

"Well you're acting like one so come on and let's go see what they want."

Jungkook huffs but nods nonetheless, following Taehyung to the living room where his parents were sat, side by side in the sofa.

Taehyung plops down on a comforter across them and pulls Jungkook into his lap, wrapping his arms around his waist. "What do you want."

"We're giving you another chance to come to Daegu with us and take over my business-"

"No. Like Jungkook already said - we're doing fine without you. I don't want to take over."

"Well I'll be retiring soon who do you expect to take over huh?" His father says with a frown on his face, making his wrinkles even more prominent.

"I dunno." Taehyung shrugs but suddenly remembers his cousin "Didn't Chanyeol want to do business? He can take over."

"I'd rather my son take over it's much more impressive-"

"Why do you care so much about bragging to other people. Who cares if people aren't so impressed? You're gonna have the same amount of money whether I take over or Chanyeol takes over."

"Taehyung, have some respect, you're not a child-"

"No mom." Taehyung scoffs "You both only care about what other people say, you've never stopped to think about I feel. Am I your son or business partner because at this point I don't know. You said it yourself that I'm not a child so why aren't you letting me follow my own career choice?"

"Taehyung, we want to mend our relationship with you-"

"No you don't" This time Jungkook cuts in "You just want to be able to show off to your friends and relatives that your son is a businessman. You just want the media to think you guys are a perfect family and that you two are perfect parents when you're far from it."

"Taehyung, listen to what he's saying, why would you want to be with him-"

"He's right! He's saying the truth!" Taehyung exclaims, sighing after "Just leave. Please. Just leave me alone" he mumbles.

His parents makes no move to leave so he unlocks the front door and holds it open, patiently waiting for his parents to leave. His parents just stare at the two for a minute or two before slowly making their way out.

Taehyung slams the door shut and sluggishly walks to his bedroom. "I want to be alone for a bit." He quietly says to Jungkook before shutting the door.

Jungkook lets out a breathe he didn't know he was holding.


why does wattpad keep deleting my chapters this is so frustrating

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