boom, butterfly effect🦋

27 0 4

March 18, 2013

*Ring Ring*...*Ring Ring*...*Ring---


"Hey, Sam!"

Samantha Gidding rose from her couch, rubbing her face from her afternoon nap, "Hey, Hannah... What's up?"

"I have something I'm dying to show you!"

"Really? What is it?"

"Come over to find out!"

Sam smirked as her best friend squealed on the other line, "Okay okay! I'm heading over now."


The friend giggled as Hannah hung up in a hurry. What was that about, she wondered? Sam shrugged to herself and walked over to put her shoes on.

Samantha, more known as Sam, was asked to go over to Hannah Washington's house that evening. She wasn't sure why Hannah had wanted her to come to her house. Yes, Sam and Hannah are best friends and usually hung out every day, but there was something different about this invitation. Sam could feel her friend geeking out from the other side of the phone. It must be something crazy.

Sam got into her car and drove a few miles to Hannah's house. It never took long to drive to the Washingtons. Maybe it was because she did it so much that it didn't feel like a long time anymore.

Although, Sam always tried to make most of her car rides enjoyable. She would turn her car radio on, roll down the windows, and play some of her favorite tunes...

"So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time I was finding myself
And I didn't know I was lost"

Soon, Sam arrived at her destination. The Washingtons lived in one of the grander houses on the block. It was a three-story building with two garage doors. Clearly, the Washingtons weren't struggling financially. They even had their own estate and lodge on Blackwood Mountain. Fancy parties and family gatherings were held there in the winter.

Sam stepped out of her parked car and noticed two other vehicles were there as well. It looks like Josh is home...and Chris is here too, Sam concluded. Without knocking, Sam stepped inside the Washington house. Since she always comes over with Hannah, Mr. and Mrs. Washington said it was fine for her to just come inside.

"Hellooo, " Sam called with a lingering coo. She stepped into an empty living room. It didn't even look like a living room for how grand it was. There were no sounds around her, "Hannah?"

"I'm coming down!" Sam turned around to see Hannah barreling down the stairs. Her grin was from ear to ear with excitement.

Sam opened her arms as her friend came in with a tight embrace. Hannah pulled away, fixing her tilted glasses. "So, what was the big thing you had to show me, " Sam asked curiously.

Without a word, Hannah pulled her the right sleeve of her shirt up to reveal an image on her arm, a butterfly. Sam's eyes widened with surprise, "No. WAY!"

"Do you like it?"

"Uh, YEAH! Oh my gosh, Hannah! Why didn't you tell me you were getting a tattoo?!"

Hannah looked away nervously, "Well, it was kind of a last-minute decision." Sam stared at the tattoo in awe, taking her fingers and stroking the butterfly wings.

"Did you go get it done by yourself?"

"No. Josh drove me to the tattoo parlor over an hour ago."

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