not the sharpest tool in the shed⚒

17 0 0

March 23rd, 2013

"Hey, Taylor!"

Matthew Taylor looked up from the bench to see one of his teammates call his name. The young man running over to him seemed a little unsteady and soaked in sweat.

"Sub in for me, will ya?"

Matthew stood up and gave the other a high five before entering the field.

Matt is best known for being the high school's star linebacker on the football team. He really relishes in football and is striving to get a full athletic scholarship for college, since his academic grades aren't up to par.

Unfortunately, his senior year football season came to an end in January. To make sure he continues to be in his best shape for conditioning in the summer, Matt decided to join another sport. When some of Matt's teammates urged him to join lacrosse, he agreed on giving it a shot. The problem is he sucked at lacrosse.

Matt held the lacrosse stick tightly in his grip. He stood in the defensive line, trying to follow what was going on in the field. It was only the third practice but he didn't want to give off a bad impression.

Suddenly, the ball began to roll in his direction. He froze. Okay, all you have to do is scoop it, he told himself.

"Come on, Taylor! Move!" The coach yelled from the sidelines.

Matt loosened his stance and dipped the lacrosse stick to the floor, the ball falling into the netted end. I did it! What now?

"Pass it, Taylor," a teammate called, waving his arms.

Without thinking, Matt chucked the ball as hard as he could...out of bounds.

I don't think that's the right way..., Matt groaned, bending his head down in shame.

"Yo, what is this guy's deal?"

"What a newb."

Matt overheard the other players behind him snicker. He glanced back quickly enough to see it was two sophomores, go figure.



Matt sat up from slouching on the bench to see his lacrosse coach standing over him, "Yes, Coach?"

"Can I have a word with you about your performance during practice today?" The coach began to walk in the other direction to grab his clipboard.

The young man promptly stood up and followed slowly behind, "Coach Hands, I know I have been making stupid mistakes, but I'm going to get better."

"You'll have to if you want any playing time. The first game of the season is tomorrow."

"Sir," Matt sighed, "You know I'm not a lacrosse player. I play football. I just need to be conditioned for the tryouts in the summer."

The coach looked at Matt in the eyes with a piercing stare, "Now with that attitude, what is the point of being on the team? If it's only for football, who's to say you will put the effort into lacrosse?"


"In everything you do, Taylor, you have to give your 100%. Not just to be conditioned but because it's an experience worth accomplishing, " Coach Hands then walked off, "See you tomorrow at practice."

"Yes, sir."

Matthew felt like a fool. Maybe he wasn't cut out for this sport... As he went to go pick up his lacrosse equipment, he noticed a familiar girl lurking near the fence along with her friend.

Jessica Riley. She was one of the most talked-about girls in the school. All the guys had always found an interest in her charisma and beauty. Yet she was still single.

Matt couldn't help but stare in her direction. She was looking around the field as if she was searching for someone. Then her eyes landed on him, realizing he was staring at her. Comprehending this, Matt couldn't help break contact for a split second. He grabbed his equipment off the ground and turned to her direction again. Then, Matt gave Jess a small wave with a smile. She did the same action back. After, one of Matt's teammates pulled him towards the locker rooms.


Jessica arrived at the school field along with Emily where the lacrosse team was holding their practice.

"Do you think Benjamin is gonna be here?"

"Duh," Jess replied, examined the field, "He's on the lacrosse team, isn't he?"

Emily rolled her eyes, "Alrighty. But I don't see him out there."

The two were looking for a guy that Jessica was fond of; Benjamin King. He was on the lacrosse team, as well as the hockey team. The girls decided they would pay Ben a quick visit, but they have to find him first.

"It looks like practice ended," Em added, leaning her elbow on top of the fence.

Jessica continued to scan the field. He's gotta be here somewhere..., she thought. As she searched, she felt as if someone was watching her. Curious, she turned to that direction and saw Matthew Taylor, watching her in the distance.

Matt? Doesn't he play football? As she analyzed him, he quickly looked away, picking up his lacrosse gear. But then Matt turned back and added a little wave and smile.

She didn't quite expect this. Sure, Matt and Jess were both are friends with the same people, but they were not very close. So when he waved at her, it took her back for a second. Jess then gave him the same greeting, a wave with a smile.

Emily noticed this and asked, "Who are you waving at?"

Jess turned to her, almost forgetting she was next to her, "Oh, Matt Taylor."

"Matt? Since when did he do lacrosse?"

"No idea." Jessica turned back to him and saw that someone put their arm around Matt in a friendly gesture; Benjamin King. She smirked, "I think Matt just might be my ticket to Ben..."

Em was confused until she followed Jess's gaze, "They're friends?"

"Guess so," Jessica grabbed Emily's hand and began to move, "Come on, let's go. We'll see Ben later."

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