we're here for you🌸

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April 2nd, 2013

1:45 am

J: Hey Sammy, you up?

S: Yeah, I just
finished a Chemistry assignment.

S: What's up?

J: I kinda need your advice on something.

S: I'll try my best to help:)

J: My dad's been on my grill about stuff. It's kinda getting overwhelming...

S: What stuff?

J: Uh...nothing important

J: it's just things he notices about me and wants me to get "a handle of"

J: I'm a little fed up :|

S: Man, I'm sorry you've been feeling like that. My parents are nagging me about college things so I totally get it.

J: Yeah, I guess.

S: Maybe talk to your
dad about how you're feeling?

J: I don't think my dad would care to listen...

S: It wouldn't hurt to try

J: My dad doesn't act as laid back as he seems

S: Yeah...I remember
you telling me before.

J: mhm

S: Are you feeling any
better from the other day?

J: Kinda.

S: I'm guessing no?

J: Pretty much.

S: Well, if you ever need
to talk or vent,
you know I'm always here :)

J: Thanks, Sam.

J: I mean really, THANK YOU for always being willing to help me. I may know a lot of people, but no one has been so genuine to me. I've never will have a friend like you <3

S: Haha, wow thanks, Josh.

S: It's honestly not a big deal.
I didn't do anything.

J: Believe me, you ar

J: I'd be a mess withuut yoo

S: You're either on something
or emotional XD

J: I might be one of those thinfs XD

J: But I meanf what I said

S: thanks, I'm here for you :)

S: now dude go to bed XD

J: no yoo

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2020 ⏰

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