The Sacking

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Harry and I made our way to the Ravenclaw Common Room.

"What came first: The Phoenix or the flame?" The tower asked at the entrance.

This entrance. The place we declared our love...

"It's a never ending cycle," I answered quickly, gaining us entry to the room, wanting to get away from the place that has haunted my memory for the months that I remembered everything.

We slipped through the small crack in the large blue door. The Common Room was empty.

Memories of this room piled in my head. The celebrations after I caught the snitch, winning Ravenclaw the game. Staying up late with my Ravenclaw friends, joking about nothing and everything at the same time. Sneaking past studying students to hang out with Tom after curfew. Sneaking back in, trying not to wake anyone who had fallen asleep on a book. Running back to the safety of my dorm, nearly evading Filch. Sitting in front of the blazing fire, providing light to the whole room. Watching the never-ending flames twirl around and around in perfect harmony to create a dance that shadowed on the ceiling.

"Is that Rowena Ravenclaw?" Harry asked from someplace next to me. I started to nod, but then remembered he couldn't see me.

"Yes," I whispered back to him, watching as he walked closer to examine the portrait.

"The diadem. It's one of them. A horcrux," He whispered to me. I felt the familiar pang in my heart at the thought of Tom killing so he could never die. What had he become?

Harry took off his cloak. "What are you doing? If you were to get caught!" I exclaimed quietly.

"I need a better look at it," Harry said. Well, more like decided. You know how he is...

"Wit beyond measure is a man's-" Harry started to read.

"Greatest treasure," I finished for him.

"Which makes you pretty skint, witless," A cackling voice said from behind us. Me still being invisible turned knowing I was safe. Harry on the other hand rushed around and tripped. Wow... In the most crucial times for him to show his Gryffindor bravery, he blows it...

Alecto Carrow. I recognized her. Third year Slytherin-while I was in sixth year, that is...

She pressed one of her fat fingers to a tattoo on her arm. A skull with a snake coming out of it's mouth.

The Dark Mark.

I saw Harry fall to the ground in pain, clutching his scar. Within a second, I cast a silent stunning spell at the Carrow sister, making her crash to the ground.

Footsteps were heard from above. "Harry! The cloak!" I whisper yelled to him. He nodded, locating the silk resting on the ground.

The common room started to crowd with students wondering what in the world was making all the noise. People was the unmoving body of the Carrow sister. "I think she might be dead!" Some brave first year shouted in delight.

I chuckled softly at the small boy. Glad to know that they are pleased with that. But, I had to remain focused. There is a war going on.

"BANG!" It echoed through the common room like a cannon, launching in hopes of hitting and hurting it's target. "BANG!" It sounded again. "BANG!" It was so silent that you could hear the sound of the rapid heart beats of the students. After the forth 'bang' most of the kids started to file out, scared if they were caught out of bed with the unmoving body of a Carrow sibling in their common room.

The door asked a question. "Where to vanished objects go?"

"I don't know! Shut it!" A voice hissed angrily. Carrow. Amycus Carrow. Brother of Alecto Carrow. Loyal servant to the Dark Lord. Tom. "Alecto? Alecto? Are you there? Have you got him? Open the door! ALECTO! If he comes, and we haven't got Potter-d'you want to go the same way as the Malfoy's? ANSWER ME!!!" He yelled.

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