The Island

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Jade's P.O.V.

The motel I stayed in was accommodating, but not all that nice. After a few cleaning spells, my room was as good as new, but no matter how clean it was, it wasn't a place where I could stay. 

With a flick of a finger, my room looked untouched, my bag packed and the person at the front desk's memory of me was gone. I disapparated out.

When I landed, I took off my shoes, picking them up with my left hand. I felt the grains of sand beneath my feet and in between my toes. It was hot under the sun, but it didn't burn me. I knew this island. 

When I was a young girl, I was brought here for a week, with only one other women. It was a foster parent whom I was with for about a month before she gave me back to the orphanage. She brought me on my only ever vacation here. It had always seemed to be the perfect getaway to me. It was peace which is what I needed, especially in times like these.

Tom's P.O.V.

I awoke to a loud 'pop' coming from somewhere on the beach. On reflex, I grabbed my wand standing up and walking out of the cabin. I didn't bother changing or fixing my newly acquired hair from it's sleepy mess. 

I stalked up to the beach. At the shore, I saw a sight that made the breath in my lungs. 


Jade's P.O.V.

Why was I feeling so nervous?

Wait-me? Nervous? Nah. I'm Jade Turner. I'm not nervous. Nope... Not at all...

I saw movement. 

Something rushing on a path towards me. I become alert. I can see them now. They see me.

Our eyes lock.

No One's P.O.V.

They just stared at each other, absorbed in one another's eyes. The two most powerful magical beings just stood there, facing each other, losing the time in their uncertainties and relief. 

Jade cleared her throat first. It knocked them both out of their dazes.

"Oh-erm... Hey," Tom said awkwardly. 

"Hey," Jade replied, coming closer to Tom. They awkwardly looked around the beach, Tom squinting as the sun hit his eyes. "I came here once with a foster mom..." Jade said uncertainly. 

"You've told me about it. Forth year in the library..."Tom said making Jade smile at their old innocence.

The smile then left her face, as she sighed. "We need to talk about what happened." Tom exhaled. "Why'd you do it?" She asked gently.

"I-I was angry. You were the only person who... I don't know... The only person who I felt could understand me. Our other friends... They-they could never really understand... When you left, I was so angry. I couldn't find you. I turned bad because I felt my heart had died with you..."

"But I never died, Tom."

"I didn't know that at the time. With you gone I felt as though I had no other reason to be alive. But I was too scared to kill myself. You knew that. My greatest fear was always death."

"So you decided that by killing others, you could become immortal so you could take your revenge on death in a way that the Three Brothers couldn't even think of." Tom nodded looking at his feed, ashamed with his actions.

"I can't say I forgive you. I don't think I can ever forgive you, Tom. You killed so many people..."

"I know... I don't want your forgiveness. I'm nothing more than a murderer."


"I am a murderer. There is nothing you can say to make me think otherwise. I took so many innocent lives,"


"All while trying to live, I killed. I took their lives. Something that is unforgivable. And then I mistreated everyone who stood by me and tried to help me."


"I brainwashed my 'followers.' Death Eaters! Just the name makes me want to crawl now. And all of our friends, I lost them! I threatened them! I killed in front of them! I tortured them! Nott once mentioned you, and I tortured him for a week, locking him in the dungeon! I'm a horrible person!"


"NO! I'm a monster."

"Tom. You may have made great mistakes-and don't get me wrong, but there is no sin greater than killing others. I will not forget anything you've done, okay. But... But this is our island now. We're safe here. This has always been my escape. Now, its ours. An escape from our pasts. A place to start over."

"Their screams will forever haunt me, Jade! I will never forgive myself!"

"I'm not asking you to forgive yourself."

"But by moving on, it's dishonoring their memory and acting like I'm all innocent! I can't-" Jade silenced Tom by placing her lips on his. He was hesitant, but melted into it. Jade pulled back. 

"I've been waiting to do that for I think about sixty years," She said smirking. 

"But-" Tom said but Jade kissed him again. Pulling back this time, Tom had a small smile on his face. "Are you going to do that every time I try to talk about it?"

"No. But your ranting and I've been "dead" for sixty years. Can I have some peace please?" Jade said with a laugh. Tom started to smile slowly. "Okay, I know you probably haven't smiled in years, but it isn't that hard. Lift your face muscles." 

Tom smiled this time, teeth and all.

A/N Sorry for taking so long to post. I had writers block, but I'm back :)

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