Jack >> Music

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Imagine: showing Jack what music is

Warnings: None


I have been hunting with the Winchesters quite some time now. Two years to be exact. The boys and I have been through a lot and not to long ago we had a big loss, Castiel. But also a new addition to the team, Lucifer's son: Jack.

Jack is a really nice boy, but Dean thinks the complete opposite. He thinks Jack's a monster. Jack really tries to prove to Dean that he's good, but Dean always snaps at him. Sam isn't a great help either, because he is constantly pushing Jack to use his powers, and Jack's really getting stressed under all this pressure.

But compared with Sam and Dean, I was the only person Jack could turn to without having to stress himself crazy. I never pressured him to much and never called him names because of his family tree. And after a few weeks, I got the feeling he liked being around me.

I was currently standing in the kitchen, listening to one of my favourite songs. I was dancing to the music and my mind was so preoccupied that I didn't notice Jack entering  the kitchen. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I let out a small scream. I whipped around and took my headphones off. It was Jack.

"God, don't scare me like that, Jack. I could have hit you." I breathed. "Sorry." He said and lowered his head. "Hé, it's okay. Just give a small warning next time." I smiled. Jack smiled back and his eyes wandered to my neck.

I looked down and saw that he was looking at my headphones. "Oh, I was listening to music if that's what you wanted to know." I said, answering his questioning gaze. "What is.....Music?" He asked as he tilted his head in the adorable way Cass always did. "Ummmm, it's hard to explain. You should listen to it yourself." I took the headphones from around my neck and placed them on his head. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and searched for a song.

I found (Favourite song) and pressed play. I looked up from my phone to Jack to see his reaction, but his reaction wasn't what I expected at all. He had an expression of fear and confusion on his face and his eyes were glowing a golden yellow. 

The moment I saw his eyes, I knew what was going on. I quickly set the music off and pulled the headphones from his head. The moment I pulled the headphones from his head, the lightbulb above us broke.

"Damn it." I cursed. Jack's face turned from confusion to disappointment. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "No, no, it's okay. It was just to overwhelming, i guess. I should have expected that you would react this way." I said. But my words didn't change Jack's mind.

I placed the headphones back on Jack's head and searched for a calmer song. After a minute of looking I found one and started playing it. I looked at Jack and secretly hoped that he wouldn't break another lightbulb that I would have to fix.

His head perked up and a smile formed on his lips. He was enjoying it. He slowly started moving his hips and he looked down at himself. "What's happening to me?" He asked. I laughed at his confused expression. "You're dancing." I replied. His eyebrows knitted together. He still didn't understand.

I laughed again and pulled the headphones out of my phone and set my phone on full volume. The song 'So am I' blasted through the kitchen and I started dancing, Jack staring at me in confusion and awe.

He started following my moves, but they were a bit stiff. I chuckled at his moves and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards me. I let go of his hand and placed both of my hands on his hips, showing him how to dance. I looked up at him and a pink blush dusted his cheeks.

I chuckled again and stepped away from him, letting him move by himself. He wasn't as stiff any more, but he was still a bit self-conscious. He warmed up after a few songs and we eventually were dancing together like there was no tomorrow. 

I was dancing with my eyes closed, and I hadn't noticed that Jack had stopped dancing. When I opened my eyes again, Jack was inches away from me. My breathing hitched as I saw how close we were. Jack slowly leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. And damn, he was a good kisser. I quickly melted into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck.

We were interrupted by someone who cleared their throat. We both pulled away quickly and looked towards the entrance of the kitchen. Sam and Dean were standing in the doorway, watching the two of us.

Dean looked extremely pissed and Sam had the 'good job' smile on his face. "H-he guys, you're b-back early." I stuttered, my face slowly turning red from embarrassment. "You think?" Dean snapped. I sighted and lay my head on Jack's shoulder, already done with Dean's attitude. I heard him scoff and walk away. I looked back up and at Sam. "You two carry on." He smiled and walked after Dean.

"(Y/N)?" Jack asked. I hummed in acknowledgment. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked softly. "Of course." I laughed and hugged him. He hugged me back tightly, as if saying that he never wanted to let go. "I have wanted to ask that for a very long time now." He whispered and I chuckled at his innocence.


Hi guys! This was my first ever imagine and I hope you enjoyed it even tough it was short.

I just wanted to say that I take requests and if you want one, please include the character and the imagine itself.

That's all for now

~Rachel <3

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