Preference 2# How you meet

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Warnings: Swearing, blood, torture

A/N: This is going to be a really long chapter



I was a bartender in a local bar near Chicago. There never happened something interesting there. It was always drunk guys who desperately tried to get in your pants or slutty girls who would snap at you if you asked their boy toy if they wanted to drink something. And today was no different.

I was helping some costumers, when Wendy, one of my co-workers, came up to me. "Hé (Y/N), you see the table in the corner over there?" She asked and pointed towards the booth on the far left of the bar. There sat 3 men, all incredibly hot in their own way. "Yeah, I do. What about it?" I asked, while shifting my gaze back to Wendy.

"I'm about to serve them. Wish me luck." She giggled. I just rolled my eyes at her. Wendy is very nice, but she was the kind of waitress who flirts with every hot guy, even when the guy has a girl with them.

I looked over at the booth where Wendy was now standing, watching in amusement as she was trying to flirt with the 3 guys. One guy, who was wearing a tan trench coat, looked incredibly confused and the other two looked incredibly annoyed.

The shortest one of the three stood up, said something to Wendy and walked towards me. "3 beer, please." He said. I nodded and got his drinks. As I opened the beer bottles, I was able to steal some glances.

The guy wore a dark green shirt with a brown leather jacket over it. He had short brown hair, which was gelled up a bit. He had apple green eyes and tan skin. "I know. I'm very attractive." He boasted. I chuckled at his witty remark and handed him his drinks. He smiled at me and walked off.


After about 10 minutes of serving people, the guy from before was standing at the bar again. "What can I get yah?" I asked. "Another beer, please." He said. I handed him his drink and started cleaning the filthy glasses.

"So, umm, I didn't catch your name." The guy said. "It's (Y/N)." I smiled. "Wow, a pretty name for a pretty lady." He smirked. "You don't want to know how many times I heard that phrase, pal." I laughed. "Probably a few hundred." He chuckled. "Make it a thousand." I replied. "Anyway, what's your name. It's only fair to return the favour." He chuckled again and took a swig of his beer. "Dean." He said. "Well, nice to meet you Dean." I smiled.

The next few hours we talked about all kinds of stuff. Dean was very private, but I got to know some things about him like that his father died a few years ago, that he had a brother and that they both worked in the family garage.

"Hé, ummm, (Y/N)? When do you-" "I get off at 12." I cut him off. I gave him a cheeky wink and went to help some other costumers.


There was a knock on my door and I opened it while trying to keep Snuffles, my huski puppy, from running out the door. Somehow, she got through my legs and started running, only to be scooped up by a large hand. The hand belonged to a very tall man with shoulder length brown hair and hazel eyes.

He brought Snuffles up to his chest and carefully petted her. "She likes you." I chuckled at the stranger. He looked up at me for a short second and showed me a perfect white smile. The man who was standing besides him, who I just noticed was there, cleared his throat and looked at the hazel-eyed man.

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