Michael and Lucifer --- Encaged

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Imagine: Being trapped in the cage with Michael and Lucifer

Warnings:  Blood, torture, strong language


Another fist hit my face and I spat the blood out that had leaked into my mouth. "So, are you going to tell me where your brothers are?" Crowley asked. He had been asking for my brothers, Sam and Dean, for the past two days, but I still haven't told him. "No." I croaked. "I simply don't understand why you Winchesters are always so stubborn." Crowley snapped. "Because we are loyal to our family. A trade that people like you don't have." I said.

This comment angered him and he grabbed one of the bloody knives and plunged it into my thigh. I groaned and let my head roll over my shoulders. "How is it that you haven't broken yet?" "Because I will die before I tell you where my brothers are." I hissed through gritted teeth. "I think it's time to step it up a notch." Crowley smiled cruelly.

He summoned two demons and they got me off the torture table. My legs gave out the moment the demons put me on my feet. "Drag her if you need to." Crowley said and walked out of the room. The demons picked me up rather roughly and started dragging me after Crowley. We went through the labyrinth called Hell, until we reached two metal doors.

Two demons, who stood besides the doors, pushed them open and I was dragged into the room. Inside the room was a cage, surrounded by fire. Inside were two balls of energy, constantly attacking the other.

"Shit." I whispered as I realized what this was. This was the cage, and inside were Lucifer and Michael. "This it your last chance." Crowley sang. I debated my choices. I could tell Crowley and he would go to the boys and do, God knows what to them. Or I could go inside the cage and be tortured on an insane level by Lucifer and Michael.

"I hope that once those two get out, that they'll smite you." I spat. He huffed angrily and mentioned the two demons to throw me in. The two demons slowly walked me towards the cage, shaking as they came closer. I laughed inwardly. Demons were afraid of the angels, but a human not.

A door magically appeared out of no where and swung open. The two demons threw me in and quickly closed the door behind me. I looked up from my position on the floor towards the two balls of energy. One was a bright, brilliant blue, while the other was a dark, deep red. The two lights bounced of each other and the walls, until the blue light seemed to become brighter.

Both lights stopped moving and they both started to dim. Out of the blue light appeared the form of my younger half brother, Adam, and out the red light appeared the familiar form of Lucifer's vessel.

"Hi." I smiled awkwardly. "Winchester." Michael hissed. "Hi, Michael good to see yah." I replied. I didn't need the two archangels on my bad side right now, that propabely would turn out in a bloody mess. "What is a maggot like you doing here?" Lucifer asked. "Wow, calm your wings, man. I wasn't the one who threw you in here."  I replied. They both raised an eyebrow at me. "Crowley threw me in here because I wouldn't tell him where my brothers are." I explained.

"And that's it?" Michael asked. "He thought that I would break if you guys tortured me." I told them. "Right." Lucifer smirked. I saw his face and realised that I was in a pretty vulnerable position. I pulled myself up, but stumbled backwards and smashed into the bars of the cage. "He fucked you up pretty good, didn't he?" Lucifer chuckled.

"Tell me about it." I huffed and slit down to the floor. Suddenly, I tasted iron on my tongue. "Great." I muttered and spat the blood out. "Could you not." Lucifer pulled a disgusted face. "Funny, you're the Devil and you don't like blood. That's pretty ironic, isn't it?" I chuckled darkly. "You little-" Lucifer was about to step forward, but the arm of his brother stopped him. Lucifer looked towards his brother and swung his clenched fist towards his face. It collided with his jaw and Michael stumbled backwards. He lifted his head and an enraged expression covered his features.

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