Murder House

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-Tate P.O.V-
I spend my time in the basement nowadays as I can't come upstairs unless it's outside the house and Violet never comes down here because she knows this is where I am. No new owners have tried to move into this house for about six months now. Mainly because the Harmon's keep scaring the new owners away and even I help them, but still Violet takes no notice of me. She even pretends she can't see or hear me sometimes when I become visible towards her and when I try to reason with her all she does is tell me to go away. I screwed up big time but when I say I'm sorry to her, she only takes it as words with no meaning, no love. I heard the door of the basement swing open and the light from upstairs shone down to the basement floor. I got up from the floor and peered behind the wall to see who was about to come down. Each stair creaked as they set their foot down at a normal pace. My heart skipped a beat and my eyes widened as soon as I saw the face of them. It was Violet.
"Tate? Tate where are you?" Could this be real? Violet wanted me to talk to her?
"I'm here." I said quietly with a little bit hope as I stepped out from behind the wall. Violet looked straight at me with concern and a small amount of anger in her expression which made me gulp.
"Where's the baby?" asked Violet. I stopped in confusion and looked around myself.
"You lost it?" I replied.
"Don't act dumb, Tate. Where's the baby? He's not in his crib where mom last left him. My parents are going crazy upstairs." A bit of worry for the baby hit me straight in the chest.
"So you're blaming me?" I spoke, betrayed.
"Since Constance has your child, her grandchild, I figured that you'd want to have a little time with the healthy child." said Violet, crossing her arms.
"I haven't got your baby okay and what do mean 'healthy child'? I swear it was announced stillborn before?" I asked confused.
"I mean the one that isn't half dead, Tate. God forget it." she said as she went to turn away and leave.
"Wait!" I cried, jolting forward a little. Violet carried on up the stairs. "Violet please, let me talk to you!" I cried, feeling a lump in my throat. Violet didn't turn or acknowledge me but carried on. "Violet!" I screamed as my eyes became watery. The door of the basement slammed shut. I dropped to the floor and started to bawl. Warm tears streaming down my cold cheeks and the lump in my throat, aching.
"There, there." said a voice from behind me, placing their hand on my should for comfort. I also heard a little baby noise so I turned around. It was Nora comforting me whilst holding the Harmon's baby in one of her arms.
"Nora, why have you got the baby?" I whimpered.
"I just wanted to tend to his needs for a while since Vivian placed him in a crib to cry for hours on end and look, he's perfectly happy now. Vivian did teach me a few of her tricks."
"You need to put him back, Violet is blaming me for taking him." I said, drying my tears.
"I just want to hold him a little-"
"Nora, put him back!" I yelled at her, standing up to her level. Nora stood in silence and looked at me with wide eyes.
"Watch your tongue, Mr Langdon." whispered Nora as she walked away from me towards the stairs. I could feel the sadness, the hurt, the betrayal and the rage build up inside of me. I waiting until Nora had left the basement and closed the door behind her, then I screamed as loud as I could and started to punch the walls and picked up abandoned objects from down here and started to smash them.
"Why won't you love me!?" I screamed at the top of my lungs until I got the anger out of me and then dropped back down to the floor and started to bawl again.

-Effy P.O.V-
I finished the entire 'Murder House' article by supper time. I was left with a feeling of shock and wonder inside of me and also a huge load of excitement as I found out that the house was for sale at a low price, an affordable price.
"Effy, dinner!" called my mom from downstairs.
"Coming!" I shouted as I slammed my laptop lid down and rushed out of my room. As soon as I opened the door the smell of Chinese takeaway hit me in the face. I looked down over the balcony and only saw mom unloading the takeaway from the bag. "Where's dad?" I asked, slowing my pace as I came down the stairs.
"He hast returned from his little wander yet, but I bought some for him aswell." she smiled at me as I came towards the table. I looked down at the food and saw it was crappy, cheap Chinese. It looked sort of rotten too.
"Uh, I'm not really that hungry, thanks." I said, walking over to the cupboards in search of a cup.
"Are you sure?" said mom breaking her chopsticks and opening the carton of Chinese food and picking some up. "Its not that bad to be honest!" she smiled with her mouth full.
"Gross." I mumbled, turning the tap to fill my cup. As I watched the water fill it until it was half full, the famous 'Murder House' popped back into my mind again which brought a sort of smile to my face. "Mom," I started whilst turning the tap off. She didn't answer but continued eating. I went around the table and sat opposite her. "I think I've found the perfect house for us to live in and it's cheap too." I said, taking a slip of water.
"Mm!" she mumbled, reaching inside of her handbag and pulling out her phone. "Show me it." she smiled, sliding her phone across the table towards me. An excitement rushed through me as I unlocked moms phone. I went straight onto the internet in search of the house for sale. By the time I found it, mom had finished her food and was sat before me with a small glass of wine, waiting.
"Ah ha, here we go." I smiled as I slid the phone back towards her. Her smile was beautiful and uplifting but as I watched her read about the house, her smile faded. "So? Can we buy it?" I asked. She looked up at me with a face of disgust.
"No, Effy. Not that house."
"But mom, it's affordable and huge, why can't we take it? It's been abandoned for six months!" I tried to convince.
"Effy, people were murdered in this house and even some had committed suicide, no way!" she spoke, rising from her seat and throwing away the empty takeaway cartons.
"But mom, that sort of house will also keep me from boredom, so I wouldn't complain to you guys anymore."
"When do you ever complain?" she asked, sitting back down opposite me. The smile dropped off my face. I always complained to them.
"Shows how much attention you pay to me." I said quietly before I stormed away from her heading towards the stairs. Before I reached the first step, the front door flung open and my dad came rushing in straight towards my mom.
"Rose! I have amazing news!" cried my dad, stopping to a holt right in front of my mom.
"What is it? I've bought Chinese food for you."
"I've just bought us a house, for a low price aswell! It's like a freaking mansion! Want to see?" said dad, taking his phone out of his pocket. As he showed mom,what I assumed the house and details of it, her face dropped.
"You're an idiot!" she cried as she hit his arm. "Me and Effy just went through this five minutes ago! We are not moving into that house!"
"Why not? Are you superstitious? The murders were in the past, Rose!" Just from that small start of an argument, my face lit up. Dad bought the 'Murder House'.
"So what if they're in the past, that's not a good environment for Effy at all!"
"I actually like that sort of thing, mom." I butted in. My parents both looked at me as I stood at the bottom of the stairs awkwardly.
"See! It's fine for Effy, do you think it's haunted or something?" fought back dad.
"Effy, go to your room!" yelled mom at me.
"But mom, I-" I tried to step in.
"Room! Now!" she shouted. I gave her an evil look and slowly made my way up the stairs. The desperation to live in that house was getting stronger and now that dad had bought it, I needed to convince mom to move in. Ghosts or no ghosts, I wanted to explore the famous house. I reached my bedroom and saw that it was starting to get late. So I went over to my desk and pulled out a box of wet wipes and began to rub off my makeup, leaving a clear face to apply more tomorrow. I then proceeded to undress until I was left in my underwear, which also was always black. Climbing into my double bed felt like heaven, the feeling of the cold sheets upon my warm, porcelain skin. I went to sleep that night with the thought of the house in my head and the thought of what secrets the house could hold.

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