Chapter 1: A hunter..?

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Toms POV

I awake to the feeling of the suns warm rays on my face. Even though I sleep inside a den the sun can still reach me; just not the rain or snow. I open my 'eyes' and turn my head around to see the entrance of my den. Its not much but its cozy and I like it. I yawn as one of my ears twitch. I perk and stare outside my den. Its early November so its only a tad cold; due to my fur covering only half of my body. I eventually crawl out of my den and get to my feet. I woke only a little on my frail legs but I gain my strength. Surprisingly I have quite a lot of strength in my legs.
The Sun makes my hair my hide, and my freckles almost golden. As I stretch I think about my day. I am a very organized person. Every day has already been planned a day ahead of time. Today I'm going to eat breakfast, then I'll go to the pond, then after that I'll find a place to read, and so on. I go into my den and look for my left over herbs or mushrooms, but to no avail I can't find them.
I sigh.
I must have finished it yesterday without knowing. I retreat out of my den and think for a moment, thinking of what I'll need.

I make a mental list..

And some others. The last two are for tea. I make my own natural tea, and I think its pretty good. I know ware to get all of these things so I think I can get everything in a hour or two. I begin walking to my first destination. My herb garden. Its really close by so it should take me less than five mintutes to gather everthing.

Tords POV

I have been up since 5am preparing for my hunting mission today. I hear that this place is filled with plenty of food, for deer and other animals. Its also supposed to be quite beautiful here. I grab my rifle and load it with a bullet. I swing it over my back and put it in the case. I'm eating my usual outdoors outfit; black pants, a red hoodie but with the sleeves cut off, and my combat boots. I grabbed a water bottle and my phone and slipped them into my pockets. I had already eaten breakfast this morning. I had eggs and toast with bacon. I ate alone as usual. I walked outside not locking the door, due to the lack of people around here. Paul was right, there really is no one here.
I smile devilishly as I reach the forest edge.
"I have the whole forest to hunt for myself.."
I say with a from as I enter the forest.


I had already gathered all the herbs I had wanted from my garden. Now I was making my way over by the riverbed. That's were the Chamomile and the
Ginger will be. Its not too far, bit still a little walk. I reach the riverbed and look out onto the water its not deep but its almost blue-ish green. But a healthy blue-ish green. I stand on the small white rocks looking out onto the water for a moment before looking back at the treeline towards the Ginger and Chamomile. I walk over and kneel down on all four of my legs. I start to gather some of the items.


I flinched so bad that practically fell down.

'That was the loudest thing I've ever heard... That means it could only be.....

....a hunter'

This is the end of chapter one!! I hope it wasn't too short! Tell me if you liked this and want me to continue.

Ill post as soon as I can, and as much as I can!!

Hoped you liked it💙💙💙💙

~love Kip

Hunter Tord x Centaur Tom (TordTom)Where stories live. Discover now