Chapter 3: The hunt

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Tords POV

He ran through the forest. Fast. I quickly ran after him. He looked scared. Good. I smirk devilishly as I chase him, when suddenly he falls hard onto the ground. His front leg ware the trap was looks like its hurting him. I smirk again as I approach him.

"Well, well what do we have here~?" I say as I approach him.

He looks absolutely terrified when he looks up to me. His eyes are black. Interesting...

He backs away. I smirk again. "Aw~ Are you scared~?" I ask even though I can can clearly see he is.

All he does is look around frantically as he breaths heavily.
'Hes actually kinda cute, all helpless and scared..' I think to myself.

I grab a rope from my belt and go towards him with it. He looks at me scared then his face cbanges from scared to angry. He kicks me hard in the face with one of his back legs, then quickly gets up and starts to run off.
I fall back when his hoof collides with my face harshly. I hold my head as a headache comes on. Then I let my nhands fall away and smirk evily.

"Ill get you, little fawn.." I say out loud.

Toms POV

I run as fast as I can with my hurt leg. I run and run and run and run until I get to an unknown part of the forest. Its dark so I can't see much, but I can make out a cave not to far ahead. I limp over to the cave then collapse. I don't pass out but go into a dreamless slumber.


I open my eyes slightly to see the Morning sun. I raise my head and look at my leg. It dosent look 'too' bad, but it still hurts like hell. I look out of the cave, its pretty. But I can't focus on that right now, I have to figure out what to do. The mans voice was chilling not to mention his eyes.

I eventually get to my feet. I walk out of the cave slowly. The birds are quiet today..odd. I go look to ware by bag is supposed to be and see nothing. Damnmit! I mush have dropped it when I fell. I got to go back and get that. I walk back the way I came. Weary I may run into that hunter....

Tords POV

I have been up all night planning. I have asked for my two best friends, Paul and Patrick (pretend that  tord and those two are friends) to accompany me and help me. Their bringing their horses and I already have mine. That's how we'll get him. Their also bringing their friends to help; this is gonna be fun. I told them to not shoot him. I told them what he is and the tell me that the wouldn't want to kill him anyways, since he's part human. I want him alive, he'll make a good pet once he's tame.

I pack all the things I might need, which include...

Lots of Rope
My Rifle

After I finish packing I put the backpack on and clip it around my stomache so it won't fall off.

I hear a knock at the door. I go over and open it. I get greeted by Paul saying,

"Ready for your hunt, Tord~?"

Toms POV

I finally make it to ware it all happened last night. bag. I sigh and look around. I know its not safe here but this is ware I live. I want to do something, but... they have guns. I cautiously walk to my den. All of the memories flash before me. But just then I hear a noise. I whip my head around and back up but I see nothing. I'm starting to get nervous. I quickly speed walk and get far away from there.

I'm on edge. I keep walking but I look behind my a lot. I get to cannon valleys.
(This part is kinda like that part in Spirit)

 (This part is kinda like that part in Spirit)

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I stop at the entrance as I hear something. I turn my head around and my eyes widen as I see multiple horses with people on their back running towards me. And the one in front is... The same hunter from last night. He's grinning evily. I turn away and run faster than I ever have before. I can hear their sound galloping. I'm not nearly as fast as a horse. They can go 50 mph ware I can only do 25 - 30 mph. I hear yelling and hoots from behind me. In going to have to be smarter than them. I see a lower lip coming up and I see a long stick. I quickly grab it still running. As I run under it I shove the stick between the rock. I look behind me and see that That hunter dodged it but one of the others dident. I smile as I surge forward. I take a turn down a different ally. Some follow others don't. I noticee that that hunter dident follow me. I see a ledge and jump up on it then jump right over one guy. He jumps off his horse. The horse looks at me strangely then I nod. I start running again as the horse follows me. I smile as I head down another way. Three people are still chasing me. I see another ledge and jump up on it; the horse follows suit. We run along the edge until...something wraps around my neck.... Its a lasso..

Reeee I hope this was good!! I was inspired by spirit!!

                        ~love kip

Hunter Tord x Centaur Tom (TordTom)Where stories live. Discover now