Chapter 4: the capture

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Tords POV

Using horses was a good idea. I was waiting right down below a ledge I knew he'd have to run along. Once I heard running a swung my lasso around with a smile plastered onto my face.

Like I suspected he came running, but with one of our horses with him? I quickly stopped thinking about that and  swung the rope around his neck. I got it. It went around his neck. And with that I pulled him down. He fell with a yelp. He quickly got up and started trying to get away. I know it may not look like it but he's strong. But then Paul, Patrick and a few of their friends jumped in. They all lasso'ed a different part of him. One around his leg, making him fall. Two around his neck, holding in place. One on each of his hands, making it so he couldn't get himself free. One on one of his antlers. Another on his other leg, And one on his human waist.

The boy fell to the ground, being full restrained. He looked like he wanted to fight but he knew he could never win. He breathed heavily as he tryed to move and talk.

"Shhh~Just let it happen. You've been beaten." I told him.
He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. His head fell back. I smirked.

Toms POV

I could barely move at all. I was scared, but I eventually slipped unconscious.


I slowly wake up. I'm on the ground. No, wait its bumpy. Im in a truck, the bed of a truck to be exact. I open my eyes slightly and my assumptions are right. I'm in the back of a truck. Its dusk. I look down and see that my hands are tied behind me and my legs are tied together. I soon notice something on my face. I can't see it but it feels like one of those face harnesses that horses ware; just without the bit. I started to panic and hyperventilate. I thrashed around. Suddenly the car came to a stop. I kept thrashing around as tears pricked my closed eyes. Then the back opened and that man was standing there. He just stared at me as I kept trying to get free. Then he smirked at me as he climbed into the truck bed with me. He shut the back then hit the truck, signaling for the driver to drive. I looked up at him and squirmed away as I glared at him. He chuckled. "Calm down~" He said as he started to pet my head between my antlers. I shivered at his touch. The truck starts and continues to drive. Me and the hunter were in silence even though u can feel him staring at me as he continues to pet my head. I decide to break the silence and ask him, "Are you going to kill m-me?" I don't make eye contact. I try not to studder but I do. He stops petting me and looks at me oddly. Then he starts laughing.

"Haha no. Your going to be my pet" He says finally calming down. I finally make eye contact.

"I'm part human!" I say back coldly. Then his face gets really serious.

"Part human. The rest of you is not." He says as he gestures to my deer qualities. I start to get worried. I want to go home.

"No! No! I will not!" I yell as I thrash around.

Tords POV

He starts thrashing around again, and I sigh in annoyance. I swiftly grab both of his small antlers and pull his head to me.

"You don't have choice! You got that?!" I yell at him. He looks absolutely scared. He starts shaking uncontrollably and crying. I sigh then let go of his antlers and set his head in front of me. He cries quietly. I feel slightly bad for him but also not. I pet him from his head to lower back; ware his fur meets his skin. He falls asleep crying.


About an hour passes by and we finally get to my cabin. I get out, but make sure not to wake mr.crybaby over there. I meet up with everyone and tell them goodnight and that they can't sleepover. After they all leave I go inside and start setting up his crate. His crate is quite big, so big that him and another of him could sit comfortable in there. I fill it with blankets and a stuffed bear that has kinda has the same eyes as him. I stand up and think of what else would make it less scary for that crybaby. "I know!" I run into my closet and pull out a box of LED lights.


After I set the whole contraption up, it doesn't even look like a crate. The blue LED's kinda make it aesthetic. I even found a pastel blue hoodie to match. I pull out the collar I had got for him this morning. Its red with red flowers on it and small spikes and a lock on it.

(Here's a picture for ya)

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(Here's a picture for ya)

I walked outside and went to the back of my pickup. I opened the back up to see him already awake. I smiled.
"Morning~" He just glared at me. I sighed but kept a small smile. I grabed him and picked him up bridal style and walked inside.

I really like this story so far!! Screeee hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

    ~ love kip

Hunter Tord x Centaur Tom (TordTom)Where stories live. Discover now