Chapter 5:

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Toms POV

When we got inside it was huge. I looked around, still in his arms. Then I noticed how many heads of animals he had.

"Ah!" I jumped out of his grasp and onto the ground when I saw a deer's head on his wall.

'I knew it! I'm gonna die! Die I say!' I think as I panic and look around. TWhen once again I am picked up and in his arms. "Put me down!" I yell as I flail around. But he doesn't listen and has a good hold on me since I'm still restrained. He finally sets me down and then looks right into my eyes and sits down on the ground with me.

"I'm going to untie you now." He tells me as he starts undoing my legs. I don't move.

After my legs are free we make eye contact. I look away and glare at the door. He chuckles and releases my hands. I look at my wrists. Their all red. He must have noticed this.

"That's from all your thrashing around." He tells me as he looks at my wrists.

"Well if you hadn't kidnapped me, it wouldn't of happened." I snap back, glaring at him. He sighs and stands up. He looks down at me,

""What's your name?" He asks me. I glare at him and cross my arms.

"Tell me yours first."

He sighs again but smiles. "I'm Tord, and you are?" I slowly stand up, not making eye contact. I'm not looking directly at him but from what I can see....he is really tall.

I cross my arms again and quietly stomp my front hoof.
"Tom." I give a simple answer.

Sorry for the super short chapter, but the next chapter will be a lot better. Sorry again!!!

~love Kip

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2019 ⏰

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