Chapter 7: Feelings

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Max and his friends were having so much fun dancing. Leena started to mimic Max's dance moves and Max gave Leena a twirl, the two lions laughing and having fun together.

Then, Higga changed the music to a slow music.

The two lions froze and their ears perked when they heard the music changing. Leena noticed the guys and girls dancing together, moving with the slow pace of the music. Max turn to Leena and he suddenly felt his confidence melting. "Um Leena?" He asked rubbing the back of his mane.

He then put his hand out and stared into Leena's brown eyes "Leena will you dance with me?" He asked smiling shyly and Leena turn her face away, moving a hair strand away and smiling shyly too. She turn to look at him and slowly placed her hand in his.

Max blushed a bit. He slowly pulled her towards him, wrapping one arm around her waist and holding her hand with his other hand. Leena placed her hand on his shoulder, the two lions swaying to the music as they're eyes made contact and time seemed to slow down. They felt like it was just them in this moment. Max felt his shyness go away and he smiled at her calmly.

Max felt that his feelings for Leena were growing. Tonight, she looked more beautiful than ever. Her brown eyes shined more brighter than usual and that smile made him feel butterflies inside. The sparkle from the sunset and the soft glow from the party lights made her blue dress glimmer.

"So are you enjoying the party?" "Yeah. This means alot to me. Thank you Max" Leena told him as she rested her head on his chest.

Max loved everything about Leena. Her bravery. Confidence. Kindness. Everything.

Tazer was standing next to Twitch and Spike, watching the two cats dance. Twitch slumped at seeing them dancing and Spike patted his shoulder to comfort him. Tazer sighed feeling bad for his friend and thought maybe some talking can help "Look Twitch I know this is hard but..." "Hey big brother" Tazer was talking to Twitch until he heard Zinti's voice.

He turn to look but his ears stood up when he spotted a familar face...Adira. "hi again" she said and Tazer felt nervous again from the first time they met. "Hi again" he said feeling dumb and smiled nervously. But his little sister had a sneaky smile and a sneaky idea.

"Adira needs to dance with someone so here" she said cooly while grabbing her brother's hand and placing the snow leopard's hand inside. Tazer froze and felt his fur stand up, he looked at his sister and glared at her. Zinti smiled at him big and sneaky like before running off.

He growled a bit "Come on!" "Huh?" He looked at Adira confused while she smiled at him "Come on lets dance!" She told him and pulled him into the dance floor and the two swaying with the music. Her arms were around his neck and his arms on her waist.

Tazer stared at her blushing, his white fur had pink on his cheeks and there was no hiding it. Luckily for Tazer, Adira had her eyes closed, humming to the soft music and just enjoying it. Tazer let out a breath to calm himself down. 'This is wierd. I just met this girl like maybe a few minutes ago and why am I feeling so shaky when she's near me?' Tazer thought in his head.

'She has this boldness in her like the way she asked me to dance with her. And she's so fearless too' he said in his head as he eyes were still on her. Then, she open one eye to get a peek and Tazer blushed more pink. He froze up and just stared at her. She just laughed at his expression "You are so funny" she told him and the comment made Tazer relax and he smiled at her shyly.

Twitch leaned on a palm tree, watching the dance with Spike. He looked at it sad and let out a sigh, slumping. Twitch then perked up at something and smiled when he remembered something.

"Well at least I still got you Spike. Spike?" He looked around for his hedgehog friend and spotted him at the buffet food. Twitch slumped more and slid down the tree until he was sitting on the sand. His blue scales turned more bluer as he watched the dance. 'It's not fair. Everyone has something. Max has Leena. Tazer has that snow leopard. And Spike with his food. And what about me?'

Twitch thought in his head but someone who was walking by stepped on his tail. "Ow!" Twitch cried out and grabbed his tail, rubbing it to soothe the pain. He turn to the right to glare at the person but something was off.

The person was wearing a purple hooded cloak and it gave the chameleon the chills. He looked down and spotted a gray bushy tail. Twitch stood up and had a wierd feeling about this stranger. Then his eyes caught something. The stranger was holding a purple and white book that was glowing.

He also notice that this stranger was straying away from the party and into town where it was mostly empty. "Where is he going?" Twitch asked himself and started to follow him

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