Chapter 13: Back in Water

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Apachi was at a forest, fidgeting with the water amulet. He lost the book and now he was gonna struggle to find the locations of the other amulets. The battle with Max and his friends had Apachi thinking. "I could beat that Max when I have all the amulets. But for now I'm gonna need help" he said as he opened a water portal and teleported.

Back at the Lion Kingdom, Tazer was in the Phoenix, getting it started. Zinti and Bella were outside playing ball with Khan. Twitch was sitting on the boardwalk, sulking and Spike was with him, patting him on the back. Twitch still felt guilty about what happena dn he felt more guilty when Leena got hurt. "Come on Spike. What happen wasn't your fault" Spike told him as Twitch avoided his eyes.

Clank! There was a clank sound and everyone turned their heads to the sound. Tazer came peeking from door to see what that sound. Higgabottom and Kara were wearing aqua suits. Kara's helmet had a tube attached for his trunk so he could still use it. Higgabottom was wearing a gadget backet that had all kinds of gadgets and hold some stuff.

"Alright! Lets get swimming!" Higga said excited but everyone stared at the owl and elephant strangely and surprised. "Professor? Kara?" Tazer asked surprised when he saw them. Kara felt really uncomfortable to be wearing an aqua suit. He wasn't sure if he was the kind of elephant to swim in the water. Kara tripped over his foot and lost balance. He waved his arms frantically, starting to run to the door.

Tazer's eyes widen and he went back inside. "Oof!" Kara got stuck in between the door so now he was blocking it. Tazer stared at the elephant and he facepalmed, groaning.

Max and Leena were walking behind the professor in their aqua suits. "Hey Leena. I'm sorry your birthday was ruined yesterday" Max told her feeling guilty. Leena looked at him surprised and she gently punched his shoulder "Max you didn't ruin my birthday. That was Apachi. And besides I had fun yesterday. Max I wanna thank you. For the party. Fixing the Phoenix. This choker. It's enough for me"

Leena told him smiling as she touched the choker he gave her yesterday. Max smiled at her. "Hey Max" the two lions turn to Spike who looked upset. "Twitch doesn't wanna come" he said pointing at the chameleon. Max walked up to his friend and knelt down, placing a hand on his back.

"It's all my fault. I don't deserve to come" Twitch said as he looked at his best friend, feeling bad. "Twitch everyone makes mistakes. What's important is we fix our mistakes" while Max was talking, Tazer and Higga were struggling to get Kara inside the ship.

Higga was pushing him from behind and Tazer was pulling on his trunk. WAM! Max and Twitch looked to sew that Tazer and Higga had finally manage to get the elephant inside but not in the most gentle way. Higgabottom had fallen inside the room and Tazer came out dazed, his ear was bent almost like the elephant might have fell on him.

Twitch looked at his best friend who smiled at him, hoping Twitch would say yes. Twitch smiled and stood up cheered up "Ok!" He said excited as he ran into the ship. Tazer looked around and he realized.

He looked at his little sister "Hey Zinti. Where's Adira?" "She went back home. Said it was royal stuff" Zinti told him as she went inside with the ball. Tazer followed her but he felt upset that the snow leopard had left. He shook his head, trying to get her off his head.

Once everyone got in the Phoenix, the ship was ready and swam deep into the water with Khan leading the way. Everyone was at the pilot cockpit with confident smiles, ready for the next adventure.

Somewhere else in a forest, a masked knight was training with its sword. Its silver mask looked like a knight...the knight Leena saw in her dream. The knight stopped in its training, paused with the sword. It sensed something and looked up to the forest. "The amulets" it said, revealing a girl voice that echoed from the helmet. The knight held up her sword and pink magic glowed on it. The magic unleashed a pink magic line that went straight to the destination. The knight put her sword away and started to follow it.

Hooray! Finally I get to the final chapter! Episode 2 coming up. Adira will come back don't worry. Who do you think the knight was? Find out in episode 2!

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