Chapter 8: All Cloak and Shadows

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The cloaked figure walked to the center of town stopping for a minute. He his face turn left and right, looking for something. He looked at his book again, the gem still glowing.

"Location: the library inside the castle of the Lion Kingdom" he instructed the book loudly since no one was around...or so he thought.

Twitch was watching behind a building, looking at the stranger confused. "The royal library?" He asked himself confused as he leaned for a closer look but he leaned in a bit too far that he started losing balance. Twitch waved his arms for balance but he fell face first on the floor "Whooa!"

The cloaked stranger turned around fast, his ears twitched at the sound. His eyes wide and alert as he scanned around but nothing was there. It all seemed peaceful and quiet.

He looked at it suscpious but his ears twitched at a purple portal opening. The stranger smiled as he entered the portal. Twitch, in his invisible mode, quickly followed after the stranger inside the portal and now he was in the royal library.

"Phew that was close" Twitch said, now changed back to his usual color."I wonder what that stranger is looking for? I better get Max" Twitch told himself as he turned around but just a few steps he stopped all of a sudden.

"Hold on" Twitch said and started to think for a minute "By the time I get to Max, that guy will be gone. Plus it's just one guy. I think I can handle him" Twitch told himself as he turned around and ventured in the library.

It's not that Twitch thought Max wasn't needed but he felt that he was no where near Max. Max was always the hero in their adventures. Twitch thought maybe this time he can be a hero. Well he is but the main hero this time.

Twitch walked around the library as his eyes scanned around. He was actually surprised. The stranger vanish. "Ok either this guy can do camouflage like me or I'm seeing things" Twitch said wierded out as he kept looking around. His eyes caught something. A gray bushy tail disappearing all of a suddeen.

That must be the stranger. Twitch quickly decided to camouflage himself invisible. He might make some noise but at least he won't be seen. Twitch carefully and slowly walked to the spot where he saw the stranger.

"Ow!" Twitch heard a voice, a child's voice, and a thud like something fell. He took a quick peek around one of the library shelves and found the stranger holding his head and on the floor there was a book. His hood was off so Twitch could see that the stranger was a wolf pup.

"Curse this shortness and lack of strength. Sigh, being a kid can sometimes have its cons" he mumbled to himself annoyed as he picked up the heavy book up to his chest and walked away.

The pup laid the book on a table,, huffing at how heavy it was for him. Twitch was behind the cloaked figure but still invisible.

The chameleon quietly at the cover of the book. The cover had a circle with these different elements and in the center was these two other elements, one yellow and one purple, position in this Ying and yang kind of position.

The pup opened the book, turning the pages which showed these characters that looked different with Elemental powers. He stared at it amazed and smiled wickedly.

Twitched stared at it surprised. 'What is that?' He thought in his head as he watched. What could this book be about? Why does this pup want it and who he is?

He shut the book close, his hand running through the smooth cover with a small smirk. "Heh. Very clever Magus"

Twitch's eyes widen when he heard that name. Magus. Magus was an old friend of theirs from their last adventure in Atlantos. That stranger knew Magus?

"Magus?" Twitch said out loud and his camouflage fell off, revealing himself. The pup turned around surprised and alert. Twitch realized his mistake. He gave himself away.

The pup glared at him as he turn to face him. Something told Twitch that this pup meant trouble. But Twitch thought that this should be easy. It was a wolf pup. It was gonna be easy....or so he thought.

The pup opened the other book on his belt and the book started glowing purple.

"ROARING SHADOWS!" He shouted as his hand summoned a large shadow like and purple fire and threw it right at Twitch.

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