Kisuke x Reader

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Bleach-Gin, I'm currently working on the Gin x Neko-chan, it should be done tomorrow! I am also going to try the Rose x Reader request, however I am having a hard time grasping his personality, so I hope it'll be okay!

"KISUKE!" You yelled, clearly pissed off.

"Yes darling? Is it that time of month?" He replied, obviously amused.

"Where the hell did my candy go?" You growled at him, ignoring his comment about your period.

"I dunno, maybe the moocher took it."



"You're sucking on a lollipop."

"It wasn't from your candy, it was from the bribe from Ikkaku."

"Where's Renji then?" You fumed.


You went down to the training room, finding Renji. You saw your bag of candy next to his top (i didnt wanna say shirt lol), which was on the ground.

"Ban. Kai."

After you had your candy back, you went back up to Kisuke, swinging the bag.

"Guess what's missing out of the bag, Urahara. And guess what truth came out while I was fighting Abarai?"

"What would that be?"

"I knew who took it, Urahara. You framed Renji. And I have more evidence."

Kisuke, noticing your growing annoyance and anger, sweat dropped. "What would that be, darling?"

"My. Fucking. Lollipop."

Nobody has ever heard from Kisuke Urahara after that day. In the words of Y/N, "He chose his fate."

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