Neko-chan x Gin

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~ For @Bleach-Gin ~

"Neko, don't just stand there darling, I only said you were cute when you blushed."

Neko had been complimented by her crush, and froze up. Who wouldn't when the snake like male called them cute?

"S-Sorry Gin!" She mumbled.

Gin sighed. "Ulquiorra, please take her back to her room."

"N-no, I'm fine," Neko said. She didn't look to good. She was extremely light headed and dizzy from her thoughts in her head.

"My orders were clear, Neko."

"No, stop, I'm just a little faint," she forced out a laugh.

Ulquiorra looked at Gin, who dismissed him.

"Now that we are alone Neko, why don't you tell me why you became a flustered mess when I complimented you," he said, knowing what he was doing. He had found out from both Grimmjow, Ulquiorra, and Szayel that Neko liked him.

Of course, Szayel fully meant to tell him, as he wanted to watch the events unwrap. Ulquiorra had heard from Haruka (my OC so don't yell at me if you think that I think she's an actual character in Bleach cause she's not), and of course Grimmjow would find out, as he and Neko were good friends.

"W-well," Neko stuttered out.

"She likes- no, loves you, Gin!" Haruka shouted from her hiding spot with Szayel. (Those two are good friends).

Gin looked up to the girl, "I know. I just wanted to hear it out of her," he smiled at her, creepily.

"Well, I told you. So let her go without further embarrassment," Haruka said promptly, as she knew both Szayel would protect her, and Neko, her newest friend, would at least try to stop him, if Gin ever tried to kill her.

"Getting mouthy up there, aren't we?" Gin chuckled, now ignoring the annoying female. He turned to the prettier female, and smiled a real smile (holy fuck, it's a rare sight).

"It's true," Neko sighed, trying not to laugh at her cocky and sassy friend.

"Well I guess you're in luck, Neko, because I feel the same," Gin said before pecking a short kiss to her lips and walking away.

"What the hell!?" Both Haruka and Szayel yelled, unhappy with what happened. No, no, no. Something more needed to happen.

"Ask her out, dumbass!" Haruka practically screamed.

"And why would I do that with you two here? I wouldn't want to give you two that pleasure, to witness Neko's precious flustered and hopeless state even more."


I know it's an abrupt ending, but I could continue it! Thanks @Bleach-Gin for the request!

Also guys @Bleach-Gin is amazing amd I love them.

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