Chapter 13

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--back to Raikura's POV--

"I don't belong here. I shoul'nt be here!"I shouted while I cried. Maka, Soul, Tsubaki, Blackstar, Liz, Patty and Kid gathered.

"That's ok. We forgive you."Maka smiled at me.

"We understand. No need to be like that."Tsubaki comforted me.

"I'm sorry..."Tears fell from my eyes. Kid wiped them for me.

He smiled and hugged me."Don't do that again ok?"

"So what's the Hayashi's plan amyways?"Soul asked.

I looked down."Well... They're aiming for Lord Death..."

"But why-" Blackstar started to speak but I cutted him by running away.

"Hey!"Kid called me from behind as I walked away.

--in Eruka's POV--
We followed grandpa to the Death room. When we arrived, Lord Death stood there waiting.

"Oh, Eruka, Ezuka. I see...your grandfather is here..."Lord Death said.

"We're taking BREW!"My sister shouted at him.

"No we're not."Grandpa tapped sis' shoulder."We're taking his soul."

"But grandpa he's nice-"He cutted me.

"Nice?"He asked."Anyways, Death. It's been so long."

"Shadow...So you're the one who protected Raikura's soul. I'll finish you fast!"Lord Death charged at grandpa.

"Your son, Kid, fell in love with Raikura."Granpa said, dodging Lord Death's attacks.

Lord Death charged again, slashing off grandpa's shoulders."Anything wrong with love?"He asked.

"It's not that..."Grandpa healed his wounds."Albarn family is immortal too."

As I watched both of them fight, I knew a lot of things about the Albarn family and also Raikura. Lord Death swayed his scythe."Soul resonance!" His scythe, Spirit Albarn talked."You mean Maka's immortal?"

My grandpa nodded."Only Maka and Raikura are."

"I'll swear if you speak more about immortality, I'll cut you off to pieces!" Lord Death charged once more, slashing grandpa into half.

While me and my sis saw our grandpa fall, me and my sister cried.

Lord Death took his soul and let Spirit eat it."Kids, don't cry."Lord Death tried to calm us.

I cried more."GRANDPA!!!"Spirit carried me by the collar."HEY LET GO!!!"I started kicking him. Getting mad not sad.

"The key..."Lord Death opened his palms.

Sister surrendered."Since you beated grandpa, fine, have it."She handed the key.

"Thank you. You two will not go to prison no more. Nor expelled."Lord Death announced. I smiled. "You will be maids!"I frowned. So did my sister.

"Lord Death, I'll leave now."Spirit left the Death room.

"So girls, your meister Raikura, is a weapon. And...she left too."Lord Death pointed out a finger."One last thing,"he said in a cheerful voice."You might never see your meister again."

next chapter?

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