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The nurse had to call someone to come to pick Ellie up and take her to the hospital because the nurse thought her arm was broken. Ellie felt so embarrassed because everyone saw her being carried to the nurse's office. Since her mom couldn't get off work she had to call Ellie's grandpa. He came, but he didn't take her to the hospital because he thought she should just rest so that's what she did. All she did was cry about it and it wasn't leaving her mind. Ellie told her mom, her 2 best friends, and Avery about what happened. They felt so bad for and her mom, Karen was going to try to do something about it now since it got way out of hand. They emailed the actual principal and he said that they could talk about everything that has happened since it began. The next week Ellie came to school and she wasn't herself. She didn't even smile the whole day. Later that day she had to talk about everything that was happening to her to the principal. Mrs. Smith came into the office too, to just listen. What did they do? They did nothing. Ellie felt even worse knowing the fact that the 2 people who are in control of the school while it goes on, won't even do anything.

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