Chapter 20 How Could You Be So Sexy

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   I tap on my leather wristwatch.

   I have been waiting for over 30 minutes, I look around the parking lot, it was almost deserted. Then I see someone jog towards me. Damon.

  "So much for being early"

   I hiss and hop into the passenger seat as he opened the door

"Sorry practice wrapped up late"

  He said igniting the engine.

I murmur "Yeah yeah"

  The ride was silent. I was tired and in no mood to talk. When we finally reached his house, I got out and walked right to his room. Hayley was nowhere to be found, I think she said she had something to do today, I sigh and plop on his bed then he enters.

  "Wow straight to business I see"

  I roll my eyes and sit up straight

  "No monkey business,  now is tutoring time so let's face it"

  He laughed and sat down on the sofa opposite me. I opened the text snd started reading aloud but I stopped when I noticed he wasn't paying attention, he was busy staring at me then he said

   "Wow up close one could make the mistake of calling you pretty"

  I snorted and closed the book then I glared at him

  "I am pretty"

  He laughed

  "I bet you say that to console yourself"

  I hiss and stand up

  "And where you off to? " He asked

  "Home" I replied casually "Since you seem not to be in the mood to pay attention"

  I grab my bag pack and head for the door but in one swift motion, he had me pinned against the wall

  "Running so fast?"

  He asked smirking

  I hiss "You wish"

  Then before I knew it, his lips were on mine. I could feel his tongue begging for entrance and as much as I wanted to hold back, I couldn't so I opened up and our tongue collided.  The kiss was amazing, it was sweet and rough at the same time,  I found myself pulling him closer by the hem of his shirt and he grabbed my waist tighter pulling me closer to him then he started tracing kisses down my neck, I swear I didn't know when I let out a moan, he seemed to be satisfied as he continued tracing kisses down to the hollow of my chest.

  I wanted to say stop but I wanted him badly too so I let him. He grabbed my left boob with his hand and gently squeezed it while using his finger to trace circles, I moan with pleasure and his mouth moved to my other boob kissing the tip of my nipples, I could feel goosebumps rising then he sucked in gently. I grab a fistful of his hair and he lifted me up so my legs were wrapped around his waist. I lost count of time as we continued making out only pulling away to breathe till his phone rang then I jumped out of reflex, he seemed reluctant to pull away but he did, my legs were wobbly so I sat on the bed inhaling. 

  He picked up the call and after listening for a while, he looked distraught and said


    Then the call ended. I could feel him stare at my back then the bed dipped in and I felt a light peck on my cheeks

   "That was good but I gotta go babe"

  I try not to choke with embarrassment as I adjust my cloth and stand up

  I looked over to him changing his clothes and I murmur

  "How could he be so sexy....arrogant jerk"

  He laughed and said

  "I heard that"

  I stomp out of the room and walked out of the house. Great June now you have to find your way back home.  Then I hear a car horn and I look over to see Damon

  "Get in"

  He said and I crossed my hand

  "Why should I?"

  He smiled

  "Don't be difficult babe, I will give you a ride home"

  Then he step out of the car and opened the passenger seat for me waiting for me to get in, I gave him a questioning look

  "Is this how you treat all the girls you shag"

  He just bowed and signalled for me to enter then I did. He got into the driver's seat. I looked up to see him smiling at me, damn those perfect white teeth.

  "Only to the lucky ones"

  He said. I roll my eyes.

Such a jerk. Yay June you sure lucky to get yourself into a mess. Yay me.


  Yay thanks to new wattpad app I can upload pics and videos now *happy dance so here is a pic of Damon on this chapter.

   Hope this chapter wasn't so crappy, this is my first time of writing a scene like this but I promise it gets better.


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