Chapter 1

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Ah yeah,ah yeah,ah yeah,yeah

They can say whatever

I'ma do whatever

No pain is forever

Yup you know this

Tougher than a lion

Ain't no need in tryin'

I live where the sky ends

Yup you know this

This was the song bursting through my headphones need I say I love love Rihanna I'm not a crazy fan I don't even know her birthday but I just love her and her style the b is a goddess anyway I'm walking into the school's parking lot, I can already feel their eyes on me well yup I'm the newbie here to show ya'll the other side, funny wondering what Jason Derulo was thinking when he sang that song well back to reality.  Damn if this wasn't so typical you could already see some group of girls talking, whatever I couldn't care less bet itz weird to them that I'm wearing a red top with blue jeans jacket and a black ripped jeans with my blue hightops and a black socks instead actually two socks in both legs may I inform you that I'm a real fashionista it just so happen that I can hardly afford all the good things I fancy and this weather is freaking cold to me bet not to them cause I can literally see people walking half naked damn they'd be pack with sex offenders where I come from ok so I'm exaggerating a bit but that how to get you to see what I mean anyway so I'm walking to the front door thinking how cliche it would be opening the door and having everyone look up from their lockers or whatever they are doing and stare at me 'The new girl' while the others talk well I'm going in now with my head bursting with Rihanna's Hard

I'ma rock this shit like fashion,as in

goin' till they say stop

And my runaway never looked so clear

But the hottest bitch in heels right here

No fear,and while you getting your cry on

I'm getting my cry on

Sincere,I see you aiming at my pedestal

I betta let ya know

Door opening 1....2.....3! Fuck sorry but I swear maybe a lot bad manners I know but I was doing other things than learning proper etiquettes on how to act like a princess well back to why I said fuck, I opened the door only to find like ten students in the hallway,

  I sigh.

  So much for my grand entrance everybody needs a little attention once in a while well well maybe I guess classes are already started well this ten could spread the news since they are practically ogling me well moving on.


   I turn back to see a petite woman staring at me with exasperation lol what tunning my headphones to the loudest could do, well time to take them off and reply the old woman before she suffers a stroke

   'Yes ma'am'

   I mentally added aye captAIN.

   'Ok do follow me, the principal wants to see you and discard your headphones whenever you enter through that door'

   She said pointing to the entrance,bitch you wish, I'm not one to judge a book by its cover but I already don't like you so I just grunted an okay to her while she led the way with me keeping my distance as much as I could. We got to the reception which looked nice and simple by the way though painted in white and cream, I can hear the principal scolding I think two students geez be done already, checking my watch I've been here for five minutes and the seat is already getting hot beneath my butt yeah I'm that impatient.

'Miss Brown'

   That's my name. Oh damn Grumpy is calling and yes I already nicknamed her yep I love doing that nicknaming thing, back to her

'Yes can I go in now'

   I asked wearily.

  'Yes the principal being waiting for two minutes'

   She said checking her watch *rme that's for making me wait five and yes again nobody is above my wrath.

  I just replied 'Ok'

  Standing up and leading me to his office she said

  'And quit zoning out like that'

   hmm what can I say....oh I know nothing so I just turned the knob and entered, I see a man like fifty years of age behind the desk and he says

  'Welcome sit down, Miss Griffin you can leave now thank you'

   Lol so Grumpy has a name and it all starts with G. Nice.

  After being briefed about the school rules and regulations and every other things I was given my schedule need I say am a sucker for rules, a religious believer of rules are meant to be broken anyway I've got literature which happens to be one of my best subject so Grumpy was asked to show me to my class well seeing everywhere as I passed, the school is actually not that bad I could cope here then I hear Grumpy say

'We here'

  Damn I zoned out again so now we started in front of a grey tall door probably 6 inches since am 5'7 well my day is just about to begin and Grumpy turns the door knob.


  A/N I hope this was much better please vote and comment I welcome any ideas plus I need suggestions for the cast


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