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AN: Hey readers! I've been focusing on my school work, which is why I haven't updated in a while. I also haven't watched any of season 4 yet (πーπ). PLEASE TELL ME IF IT'S GOOD! I hope everyone stays safe and healthy during this time. Thanks KieranKalico for being the best beta reader and akelley18 for being my best friend! Miss seeing you both.


Divorce between soulmates. The biggest taboo in our society.


That's how many divorces there have been in my family. If one person in a family gets an illegal divorce, they are considered tainted, an outcast from society. The next 5 generations of their blood are also considered contaminated.

I'm the latest generation 5 and if I ever marry my soulmate he will be considered tainted as well.


"In my family, there have been many...di-" I glanced up for a moment before thinking better and looking back down, "-divorces...between soulmates."

Car whizzed past, however my own voice reverberating in my ears drowned out the noise. Time seemed to inch by as I waited for Asuna or Tachibana to reply. Silence was my only response. I breathed out a shaky breath and cautiously raised my head. I instantly regretted it. As soon as I saw their faces, I remembered why it was a family secret.

Asuna and Tachibana's expressions held a mixture of shock, horror, and disgust.

Ducking my head down, I turned my back to them. "Just forget I said anything." I sprinted away from them, not caring what direction I was going.


The sky had faded to black and the lights of the city had flickered on. How had I managed to get so lost? I glanced at my phone; various notifications appeared on the screen.

8:07 p.m.

7 missed calls from Hot Sauce (Riku Asuna)

5 missed calls from Number 1 Dork (Tachibana Daishin)

Figuring out where I am is top priority, I'll call them after. I slid my phone back into my pocket as I stared up at the illuminated street sign. I failed to recognize the name. Running without paying attention to where I was, not my best idea.

A cold breeze swept through the quiet street. I shivered from the cold and the eerie feeling. There was an unusual number of cars and people, meaning a solid two. I spotted a bus stop several yards away. Maybe I could at least take a bus to an area I am familiar with.

I jogged to the bus stop and studied the detailed map from a position that blocked the wind. I rubbed my arms as I looked at the different bus routes. Quickly spotting one with stops I recognized. My parents had forced me to learn the bus routes when I was younger in case a situation like my current one occurred. I was surprised, yet relieved, I still remembered.

The next bus wasn't scheduled to arrive for twenty minutes, so I sat on the bench and hugged my backpack to my chest. I moved to pull my phone out when I was hit by an intense pulling sensation. My eyes instantly shifted to the direction it was coming from.

Please for the love of all that is good tell me he is not here right now.

That's when I heard them. The oddly comforting bickering of the first-year setter and decoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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