Valid Reasons?

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AN: The picture has absolutely nothing to do with chapter, I just love it.


Oshiro's POV

The sky was turning a mixture of yellow, pink, and orange as the sun sank below the horizon. The air felt crisp as it blew against my face.

I could feel myself shiver, so I zipped up my black, volleyball jacket and shoved my hands in my pockets. Normally, I would be carrying my stick bag along with my school bag. However, it was now in the hands of the Edamura brothers.

Tachibana and I walked beside each other. Asuna cheerfully skipped ahead as she ate her meatbun. I slowly ate my popsicle, feeling slightly terrified by Tachibana who finished his in three bites. Staying an extra hour, so the three of us could practice our choreography, made everyone hungry.

"But why did you give them your stick bag, you won't even let me touch it," Tachi complained. "I did not give it to them. I'm letting them borrow it. They need to see what types of sticks to buy," I countered. "Still, you never let me go through your bag." "That's because I usually keep my copy of the freaking keys in there you cry baby!"

Asuna turned around and began walking backwards, munching on her meatbun. She observed us as we argued about the new additions to the line (drumline).

Tachi glared at me before groaning and rubbing his face in frustration, "That aside, how are we supposed to train them? I mean, they have zero sense of rhythm. I don't even know how to begin to teach something so innate." I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye and swallowed the bite I had just taken, "Well, sensei did tell me they had no experience." "You know that's not what I meant!"

"I didn't realize teaching was this much work. Like, I'm starting to feel bad for my sensei," Tachi muttered as he folded his hands behind his head. "Does that mean you're done stealing my English notes?" I asked him. "Let's not go that far, Oshiro-chan."

Asuna stepped in before we the bickering could continue, "Okay guys, let's brainstorm some ideas." "But I already said I don't have any," Tachi whined. When Asuna's expression became angry, he backpeddled, "Oshiro is section leader. She'll figure something out." "Oh, very helpful Tachibana!" I scowled, rolling my eyes.

Asuna shoved in between Tachi and me as we continued our walk home. I sighed at the thought of how tiring the next three weeks were likely to be. Kinji and Kazuo clearly have a desire to learn music, but they refuse to listen.

I don't know how to force them. How do I make people who are older than me obey me?

"It would be a good idea for two of us to be present every day for the next three weeks," I thought out loud. "Are you gonna take any days off to go to the volleyball team's practices?" Asuna questioned. I jumped, caught off guard from her response, "Huh- No, I already told coach I needed three weeks off to do this. You guys can take turns joining me, unless both of you want to come certain days. Then, by all means."

"You sure you'll manage being away from Kageyama that long?" Asuna teased, poking me in the side causing me to squeal. Tachi laughed loudly as I chased Asuna in a circle. I succeeded in grabbing her jacket covered arm and spun her around only for her to jab me in the side again. We laughed as we attempted to dodge each other's attacks.

"Oh, that reminds me. We never finished our conversation from this morning," Asuna panted.

A wave of dread washed over me. My body tensed, my hand unconsciously tightening around Asuna's arm. Why did I open my mouth? If I just learned to keep my mouth shut, I wouldn't be in this predicament.

"Wha-what are you talking about?" I chuckled nervously. I stiffly released her arm and crossed mine, while stepping back. "The bet is over, so why haven't you told Kageyama? What did you mean when you said you don't think you can?" Asuna's voice was soft, but it did nothing to abate the guilt in my heart.

I stared silently at my shoes. I never noticed they were so dirty. My navy-blue sneakers had dirt on the tips and around the bottom of the shoe. The color reminds me of Kageyama's eyes... WAIT WHAT!

My head jerked up in surprise, shaking me out of my thoughts. The faces of Asuna and Tachi came into view, full of concern. I took a deep breath and uncrossed my arms. I looked down as I fiddled with my fingers, "If I tell you, please promise to keep it to yourselves."

When they both agreed, I continued.

"I don't know if you guys remember the reasons I told you a few weeks ago, but I'll be honest they were...complete bullshit. I couldn't bring myself to tell you guys the truth yet, I'm sorry," I confessed. "I knew you weren't telling us the truth at the time anyways. I figured you were hiding something, but I didn't want to push. Just tell us, if you're ready," Asuna sympathized. "Yeah! There's nothing to be sorry for," Tachibana insisted.

"I have two," I muttered as I raised my head, "and you already know one them Asuna-chan."

"Is it your dad's oddly specific dating policy?" she recalled. As I nodded, Tachi exclaimed, "What dating policy?" Asuna spoke before I could collect my thoughts, "Her dad is fine with her dating anyone, as long as they don't play volleyball."

Tachi began laughing hysterically at this revelation. I stalked over to him and started to lightly punch his arm, yelling at him to stop laughing. "I'm-I'm sorry, stop-stop hitting me. It's just, didn't your dad basically target your soulmate?" Tachi insinuated between chuckles. My fist froze in a drawn back position. I let it drop to my side, "That's not exactly why, but that's not important right now." "What's the other reason?" Asuna interjected. I peered at her for a moment before staring at my shoes again.

"In my family, there have been many...di-" I glanced up for a moment before thinking better and looking back down, "-divorces...between soulmates.


AN: Hello my lovely people! Sorry I took so long to update. I had planned to update much sooner, but life decided it had different plans. Anyway, enough about me. What do you guys think about Oshiro's reasons? Are they valid or is she just making excuses? Let me know your thoughts!


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