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Oshiro's Point of View (POV)

In our society, most people don't meet their soulmate until after high school. This was perfectly fine with me. In fact, I would have been preferred to never meet my soulmate. So, will someone please explain to me why I meet him in the first month of my first year!


Light flooded through the big windows on the first floor. The hallway was crowded with far too many bodies at once as people shoved their way through to meet their friends and get food. It was lunch after all.

My third week as a first year at Karasuno High had just started and I already wanted it to end. I waited for the waves of people to pass, as I continued to wander the halls. I found Karasuno's layout confusing and gotten lost more times than I care to admit.

I was tapping my hands on my legs as I walked, trying to figure out a complicated rhythm from new music I had received. I turned a corner and saw a very beautiful girl who seemed to be looking for someone. She carried herself in a dignified way and I assumed she was my senpai.

She suddenly approached me, a hopeful gleam in her eyes. "Hello, I was wondering if you have any interest in volleyball?" I paused for a moment. Although volleyball wasn't my passion, I couldn't deny I did have an affinity for it. The tattoo on my arm may have something to do with it.

"Yes, volleyball has always intrigued me actually. Why?" I replied. The girl with black hair and glasses gave me a small smile. "My name is Shimizu Kiyoko. I'm a third year and the boys' volleyball team's manager. I'm currently looking for a first year to be co-manager. Are you interested or know of anyone who might be?" "I would love to join, if the team will have me."

She asked my name before rifling through her bag for something. I introduced myself as she handed me a sheet of paper. Shimizu then proceeded to ask that I fill it out before I meet with her in the same spot after school. I glanced down at what I had just been given. It was a form all clubs use to gather information. It had blanks for things such as: the name of the club and the member's full name, year, and class.

I checked the time on my phone and realized lunch was almost over, both of us departing from each other. I quickly walked back to my class and sat down at my desk to avoid the annoying crowds. I still had some time to kill before the bell rang, so I pulled out my form. I filled in each space with the requested information: Boys' Volleyball, Oshiro Megu, Year 1, Class 5...


Classes had just ended and I was waiting for Shimizu near the spot we originally met. I felt a tap on my shoulder and whipped my head around. "Oh, hi Shimizu-senpai," I greeted shakily.

"Sorry if I startled you," she said calmly. I shook my head, "I'm fine, really." "Are you ready to meet the team?" I nodded feeling both nervous and excited, yet unable to speak.

As we walked to the gym Shimizu said, "I don't want to pry, but I'm curious as to why you have your soulmark covered." I smiled because it wasn't an uncommon question for me to hear, "Don't worry you're not prying."

"My soulmark is covered because I'm a musician. It's common practice, so the tattoos don't distract the audience from the performance. Over the years it's just become a habit to keep it on." She nodded in understanding and was about to ask me something else when we arrived in front of the gym.

Even through the door, I could hear the squeak of rubber shoes and the smack of volleyballs. Shimizu decided not to ask her question, instead opting to open the door.

The second the door was open my vision locked on a set of tattoos identical to mine. I had stared at those tattoos every day, studied them, memorized them. There was no mistaking the two black music notes joined by an eighth bar paired with the outline of a volleyball.

The man with the same ink as me was tall and had shiny, black hair. His arm was raised, prepared to hit the ball and finish his jump serve.

I watched the ball slam of the court opposite him with immense power. Before I could even open my mouth to say any of the questions on my mind, two guys started running towards Shimizu shouting how pretty she looks. I immediately noticed one had a shaved head, while the other was much shorter with spiked hair.

They soon noticed I was behind her and began directing their shouts towards me. It was startling enough to make the words die on my lips as I began to back away.

A different player on the team, with dark brown hair and an intimidating aura, walked over and started dragging the two away while scolding them. I looked over at Shimizu feeling a little flustered. "I'm sorry about that, but don't worry they usually keep their distance," she comforted.

Shimizu quickly spoke to the man who had grabbed the two guys earlier. He glanced at both of us then turned and yelled at his teammates. The boys quickly jogged over. I wanted to stare at the one who shared my tattoos but resisted the urge.

"I want to introduce your new manager." Shimizu suddenly stated, gesturing to me. I felt slightly panicked because a majority of the guys had looks of utter disbelief on their faces. I was worried I didn't meet their standards and began to regret my decision.

"H-hi, my name is Oshiro Megu. I'm a first year, class 5. Pleasure to meet you." I said to the many volleyball players surrounding me and bowed with my heart pounding.

I stood up straight again and heard a chorus of "Nice to meet you" from the team and watched them all bow. Well, all except a very tall one with glasses and blond hair. However, I began to relax seeing them accept me as one of their own.

They went down the line introducing themselves by their name, grade, class, and position. I finally had the answer to the main question swirling in my mind regarding my newly found soulmate. Who is he? Kageyama Tobio, first year, class 3, Setter.

Two months have passed since that day and I haven't told anyone yet.

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