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Gorgonize n. to have a paralyzing or mesmerizing effect on someone.

I stood their froze paralyzed by the smirk on his face the way his dimples sank god he was perfect. All I wanted to do was crack an award-winning smile but I had to keep my face stone-cold lord the expressionless beast I was.

"Hey gorgeous Perché non-mi fai vedere cosa c'è sotto quell'asciugamano belle ragazze come te non dovrebbero essere qui intorno" {why don't you let me see what's underneath that towel pretty girls like you should not be around here}

I laughed in my head before I spoke in my cool tone I guess he didn't know I spoke Italian.

"Oh, tesoro nemmeno nei tuoi sogni migliori" I spoke in y normal monotone voice. I don't know if it was the fact that I spoke Italian or that my voice was so cold but I saw him visibly shiver. I would let the fact that his smirk fall is the highlight of my night but for some reason, I want to make him smile even if it was a smirk. {Oh darling not even in your best dreams}

"Well, my apology I was expecting someone else in here besides Jerome to Know Italian," he said as he clasped his large hand together I could see the veins in his arm god he was a blessing.

"Not a problem, The name is Storm Mister ...?" I spoke with my hand outstretched towards him and here comes the smirk his pearly white teeth shone with pride." Soprano" king, he said.

 I took this chance to drink everything his sixpack neatly placed below his perfectly tailored shirt and the Rolex on his wrist the small almost unnoticeable scar decorating his cheek which was pointed out by the shadow of his long and curly eyelashes. Protecting his blue-gray eyes.

" Do you like what you see miss storm," he spoke in a husky voice as his soft lips brush passed my ears.

"Yes," I answered simply. I saw his eyes widen at my honesty but it was only then that I realized why he kept glancing down I was in my towel I look at him my assumptions were confirmed.

"Goodbye I have dinner in less than an hour and I must get dressed I rushed out his room slamming the door behind me. The light blush rises to my cheek but as soon as it came it left I took a deep breath and turned te doorknob to what could only be the closet.

AN what do you think about Soprano.

word count 421

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