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Apaixonar n.The act of falling in love 

"Yes," I said not a sign of uncertainty in my voice.

Dad face lit up catching me off guard I haven't seen that smile since I was 7 and there it is the same bright smile not dulling over time.

I gently place my hand against the golden doorknob I turn and look at my father who is already on the phone his thick Italian accent still playing in my ears.

I walk down the corridors replaying the events in my head so catch that it hit me like a wall when a bunt force hits me and I suddenly start falling but before I could touch the ground two hands wrap around securing me I look up to see that to familiar smirk plastered on that, oh to familiar face, Sovrano.

 "I swear Bellezza you fit perfectly in my arms," he said humming almost.

"Don't get used to the feeling," I replied curtly 

He smiled that sweet boyish smile" You smell like roses and memories,"

"Well aren't you the most poetic Romeo" I answer his almost successful attempt to make me blush. 

"You know it gets lonely at the top want me to keep you company," he says smiling.

"Maybe one day," I say brushing past him on my way to my room.

I walk to my double doors before pushing them open once I make sure no one was around I close the doors and slide down against them.

"Heaven helps the fool who falls in love". I sigh to myself self place my hands against my beating heart.

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