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Cynefin n. a place where a person or an animal feels it ought to live and belong.

"Papà, giuro su Dio che hai così tante spiegazioni da fare La Famiglia reale sei pazza."[Daddy, I swear to god you have so much explaining to do The royal family are you crazy.]

He looks a little shock at the fact that my words should be yelled but my tone remains the same icy monotone as usual 

"Angelo" My dad's saddened eyes bore into me.

"Dad listen I don't want this I wouldn't be able to handle it and you know it," I said not changing my tones but my words conveyed my worry.

"Angelo," he began once more.

"I remember when you were little I would ask for help with the business I would obviously disguise what I was talking about but you have been helping since you were six" He added and I began thinking back.


"la Mia Bambina" dad spoke.

"Yes, dad I said jumping on to my dad's lap my two ponytails swinging as I did.

"There is this thing for my company sees were selling cookies but we don't have anyone to buy it from and we don't have the ingredients to make it ourselves," he was babbling as my dad often did so I stopped him I took my tiny finger and pressed it against his lip

"Then make your own ingredients," I chirped and dad's eyes lit up and with that, he spun me and smile.

"At a girl,"

end of flash back

"The cookies" i say more to myself.

"Yes storm you are the reason storm cookies were made, you see yourlike awolf in the forest or a queen to a throne this is where you belong we you secertly desire to be and you know it you have always known it".

my expression still doesn't move from the cold state it's in.

"All you have to do is say yes and your kingdom will be under your rule,"

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