Chapter 1

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Hey guys, welcome to CRIMINAL. Before you start the just another reminder that this story contains sex, violence and language.

If you are okay with that please enjoy!!


Its a sunny day. I'm in my uncles office, eating a sandwich and watching the morning news. Suddenly, the door opens and my head turns. My uncle walks in swiftly.

"Harlow, honey, finish off your breakfast and go take a walk or something. I have important files to take care of."

"Alright." My uncle always needs his personal space when it comes to work. I'm supposed leave whenever he tells me to, since he's basically like my dad. Besides, I'm not complaining. I love the fresh morning air. I stuff the rest of the sandwich in my mouth, and grab my bag.

" don't you need your jacket? It's chilly in the mornings"

" I'm fine," I said, turning around to face him with my mouth still full. Seconds later, I find myself plummeting towards the floor. I'd tripped over my coat, while ch I'd left carelessly lying on the floor. I groan. My uncles lips curl up into a bit of a smile.

"What did I say about leaving your stuff all over the ground, Harlow?"


" Take that as an omen that you need your jacket. I told you it's cold out."

I push myself off the ground.

"Or maybe it's just karma."

"Maybe it's both."
My uncle stares at me for a while, then let's out a sign.

"Whatever. Be back by noon, okay?" He says, coming over to brush me off while giving me a peck on the head.

"Okay. See you later."

"Have fun."
I walk out of the office, and turn the corner in the hallway. I'm greeted by lots of the staff. It really shocks me how early police officers have to get to work, but then again, they're police officers.

"Morning, Harlow!" A voice says.

" Good morning, Sadie," I answer. Sadie is one of my best friends here. Her bright smile just lights up the day, as my uncle says. "Early shift?"

"Yeah," Sadie replies. "New one. The names Styles. We're bringing him in shortly."

"Oh. Sucks for you."


I lean in and give her a hug, and smile when I feel her hug back.
"Anyways. I gotta go. See you at lunch?"

"Of course." She winks and leaves.
I walk towards the front entrance, only to be stopped by the warning sign. Shoot. I forgot it was under construction after one of the drunks broke it down last week. I guess I'll have to take the back door.
I walk towards the back exit , and reach for the door. I bump into someone as soon as I step out.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," I apologize. I look up and see an orange jumpsuit.

" Watch it, doll." The deep, raspy voice replies. Wow, I thought to myself. How rude.

"Hey, watch that tone, Styles." One of the policemen glares at him. Wait, Styles? Ah, must be the one Sadie was talking about.

"Yea? Or what?"

" I recommend you to shut up."
I watch quietly as they argue. Finally, they seem to realize the fact that I was still standing there. The policeman grabs Styles and motions for me to go through. I walk out with a grateful nod.
I don't know why, but I had an urge to turn back. I find myself looking at Styles. He looks up, and our eyes meet. His sharp, emerald eyes burns through me. I gasp a little. I feel my stomach flip. He continues staring me down and I stand in the same place, unmoving. Finally he turns the corner and is out of sight.

First part guysss! Oh god I'm so nervous and I feel like no one will see this but if you do, have a great day:)

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