Chapter 6

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"So you came to school just to see Hoseok hyung?" Jimin asked and giggled, teasing Yoongi.

Yoongi was (as usual) looking through the door.
He smiled and waved at Hoseok.
He then turned around and continued walking.

"No, I don't wanna miss any classes." Yoongi answered, they walked towards the bathroom.

"Do you need to vomit?" Jimin asked worried.
Yoongi shook his head, walking in.
"Noo hyung! This is the 100th time you need to pee today!" Jimin pouted.
"Put your dick away, It's almost time for class!" He added.

"Shut the fuck up Jimin, you can leave." Yoongi replied annoyed.

"Fine then, see you at lunch." Jimin walked out.


"How you feeling hyung?" Jimin asked Yoongi, still worrying.
He shook his head, still feeling sick.
"It's okay, Hoseok hyung is coming anyways." Jimin giggled.
Yoongi looked up.
"Hey Yoongi." He sat down,
"You look sick, you okay?" Hoseok asked.
Yoongi shook his head.
"He's pretty sick." Jimin answered for Yoongi.
"Why didn't he stay home?" Hoseok added, confused why Yoongi would come to school sick.
"I didn't wanna miss any classes." Yoongi finally responded.
He then felt like gagging.

Yoongi panicked and stood up quickly.
"Oh no hyung." Jimin said, knowing what he was doing.

Yoongi ran to the bathroom, Jimin followed.
Yoongi kneeling and vomiting, while Jimin tried to take care of him.

"Aw hyung, you're badly sick." Jimin sympathized, feeling bad for Yoongi.
Yoongi breathed heavily, he felt tired.

"Done?" Jimin asked.
Yoongi nodded.

Then someone helped him up.
Yoongi turned around and saw Hoseok helping him up.
"Go wash up Yoongi." Hoseok said after helping him up.
Yoongi finally got up.
He washed his face, cleaning himself up.
"You need to go to the doctor." Hoseok suggested.
Jimin nodded, "we really do hyung."
Yoongi shrugged, "I guess."


While walking back to their dorm room Jimin remembered something, he gasped and looked at Yoongi
"Yoongi hyung!!"

"What is it?" Yoongi was annoyed,
"Don't be dramatic." He added as he opened the front door.

"I remembered something we talked about in Science class!" Jimin seemed worried.


"Do you know what's Mpreg?" Jimin asked, closing the door behind him then trying to catch up to Yoongi.

"What the fuck are you talking about Jimin? We're not going there." Yoongi couldn't believe what Jimin was going to say, he tried to walk to his bedroom.

Jimin grabbed Yoongi's shoulder, stopping him from walking.
"Hyung I'm serious! It's a real thing! Someone in my class asked the teacher if it's real, my teacher said it is! Her brother is an Mpreg!! Then another student added and said his uncle is too!" Jimin explained himself for bringing up the topic.

"Hyung it's real! What if you're pr-"

"Are you out of your fucking mind?! I could just be simply sick! And you're predicting that I'm fucking pregnant!"

"Well what if you are!? You hooked up with a guy about a month and a half ago! It's almost been 6 weeks! You're having symptoms. I could be right, I'm just saying hyung." Jimin got upset, wanting to be right for once and trying to help his hyung.

"That's bullshit Jimin!" Yoongi pushed the younger away and walked to his room.

"F-fine! I'll prove it hyung. I'll do my research!" Jimin yelled at the older, believing his own prediction.

Yoongi walked in his room, slamming the door.

He sat on his bed, he then thought about what Jimin said.

Shit, what if I'm wron- no I'm not wrong he's just guessing.

He didn't want to believe it, being pregnant. he didn't really think it was a real thing and if he believed it about himself then diagnosed with just a sickness, he would feel like an idiot.

He decided to do some research himself.
He opened up his phone.
He nervously searched up,
'Male Pregnancy' Then clicked the first link.


Male Pregnancy
Also known as 'MPREG'
Male pregnancy is a controversial topic for some people.
It is sometimes hated,
Most likely by homophobes.
Here are some responses from doctors about MPREG to answer your questions.

Is it possible?
Yes, male pregnancy is possible, for some. You may not believe it but it is possible for a male to get pregnant.

What causes it?
It's pretty self explanatory, like normal pregnancies it is caused by intercourse. But male pregnancy is almost no different. Two men have intercourse (without protection obviously), then the bottom (the one who is being penetrated) could have a chance with pregnancy.

What are the chances?
Chances are small, it is a rare condition. But that doesn't mean it is unlikely. There's no specific percentage of likelihood from getting pregnant (for males).

Any issues or health problems from it?
There are some complications, like miscarriages, but don't panic! It is not common!

What's the procedure?
It's not really possible to push the baby out, that would be extremely painful, difficult, and maybe even physically impossible. The only way to get the baby out is a C-section.

Is abortion possible?
Unfortunately not yet.
It is not possible to remove the fetus from the bottom. So you should be careful before intercourse!

Yoongi got anxious, he became worried.
He did hook up with a guy, but he had questions.
Who was it with? How could it happen?
Was there protection? How did I even allow it to happen?
He asked himself. He tried to ignore the topic, he'll find out soon if he is or not.

[A/N: this may be my fave chapter cuz of the detail and the argument... Just me? Okay. 😂

Drunk To Pregnant - Sope/Yoonseok (MPREG FF)Where stories live. Discover now