Chapter 16

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[Sorry for not posting last week!
I'm posting this chapter before I sleep so I can wake up to comments making me smile :)]

Yoongi was sitting in class, it was almost over.
He hoped to see Hoseok in the halls after class, but he was also nervous, everyone will know soon.
But it didn't matter, he just wanted Hoseok on his side to protect and love him.

"Hey Yoongi!"
Someone called across the room.
Yoongi looked up confused, it was a girl he never talked to.
He rolled his eyes and tried to ignore her.
"You like Hoseok don't you?" She asked, with a rude tone of voice.
"What does that have to do with you?"
Yoongi tried not to make eye contact.
"Nothing, I'm just curious because I've never seen you so close to a guy, besides Jimin." She laughed.
"Jimin is my roommate." Yoongi blinked slowly, he didn't want to deal with this.
"Well Hoseok will never date you, he doesn't like you." She said.
Yoongi smiled a bit, trying not to laugh, "How would you know that? Did he tell you?" He questioned, he found it funny how she was just assuming things.
"Because he would never date a guy like you, you're always sad and unapproachable." She laughed.
Yoongi couldn't hold it, he laughed a bit.
"What's funny?" She asked annoyed.
"Hoseok is already dating someone." He mentioned, the school bell ringed, the class packed up.
"See, you don't even have a chance anymore!" She laughed.
"What's even your point?" Yoongi asked, grabbing his notebook.
"You're desperate for Hoseok! You only like him because he's popular, and you're a complete loser, you will never get him!"
Yoongi rolled his eyes,
"You don't need to start an argument just because you like him, besides he's in a relationship." He smiled, grabbing his stuff, heading out of the classroom.
"Who is he dating!?" She shouted.
Yoongi grinned, "Find out for yourself."
He ran out, looking around the halls.
He spotted Hoseok, he ran up to him.
Hoseok saw Yoongi running towards him, ready for a hug.
Yoongi squeezed Hoseok, he felt like he hasn't seen him in a while.
"You okay Yoongi? That was a tight hug." Hoseok giggled.
Yoongi shrugged but still smiled,
"This one girl kept saying you'll never date me and little does she know, you are." He grinned.
Hoseok laughed, "Lets put our stuff away then head to lunch."
He grabbed Yoongi's hand, walking down the hall together.


The whole group sat together at lunch.
Yoongi sitting in between Hoseok and Jimin, while Jin, Namjoon, Jungkook, and Taehyung sat in front of them.

Hoseok wrapped his arm around Yoongi, he made eye contact with him.
"When are we gonna meet each other's parents and tell them?" Hoseok asked quietly.
Yoongi looked down a bit to think,
"This weekend...?" He asked.
Hoseok smiled and nodded.
He softly kissed Yoongi's cheek.

"Get a room." Jin interrupted.
They all laughed.
"At least let me kiss him on the cheek!" Hoseok laughed.
"You don't see me and Namjoon show affection in public." Jin said.
Hoseok rolled his eyes.
"But you two probably show affection in the bed-"
"Taehyung!" Jin yelled, he started to blush.
"But he's not wrong." Namjoon smiled.
Jin blushed and rolled his eyes.
"You guys are gross." Jungkook laughed.
"You both had sex before right?" Namjoon asked Hoseok and Yoongi.
"Duh, at the party! Remember I told you?"
Namjoon laughed, "Besides that time."
Hoseok and Yoongi looked at each other.
"Just once after that." Hoseok answered blushing and laughing, he was embarrassed.
Yoongi sat there embarrassed.
"See! Me and Namjoon aren't the only ones!" Jin mentioned, crossing his arms.
They laughed, Jin still complaining.
"But I can show Yoongi more affection tonight if he lets me come over." Hoseok added, and smirked.
The whole table laughed.
"Let him come over, just don't get loud." Jimin giggled.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, he was embarrassed and a little annoyed.

Still cringing :)


I'm losing motivation :')

I've been trying to write a new story and I feel like I'm not good enough :'))
And my oneshots

I have ideas, I know what I wanna write just that I'm bored and not motivated >:(

I'll keep trying!

I think it's because what is happening with the world :(
And my friend 💔💕✨

Hope y'all are healthy and safe!

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