Chapter 24

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[I'm still unsure on what kind of baby names, y'all asking for Jung Yoonseok if it's a male. Request a name if you have an idea :)]

Walking back to their dorm room, Yoongi was still a little mad at Jimin.

Yoongi walked in his room, slamming the door.
Getting Jimin's attention.
"Hyung! Why are you so mad at me!?"

Yoongi ignored him, laying on his bed and staring at the ceiling.
"I just made out with Tae in the bathroom! That's all."

Hearing those words made Yoongi even more frustrated, saying 'That's all' like it's not a bad thing.
It's like Jimin didn't care about the consequences. It seemed like he wanted to be seen by everyone, he wanted everyone to know that him and Taehyung are fuck buddies.

"You're a fucking slut for him Jimin!"
Yoongi's eyes widened, that sentence slipped out.
He didn't mean do say that.
He just messed up.

It just slipped out, he didn't mean to call Jimin a slut... He said exactly what was in his head.

It went silent.

"What hyung..?" The younger's voice cracked. "This is the only time I'm in a relationship and you won't let me do anything!" Jimin complained.

"You both aren't even in a relationship Jimin! You said 'Friends with benefits'! I'm just upset that you both keep going too far, don't do weird shit at school. That's all I needed to say!" Yoongi explained, he knew Jimin was going to take it differently.

"Why hyung!? Why can't I!?" Jimin cried.

Yoongi was heated, Jimin didn't seem to understand. But he also didn't understand why his anger became more aggressive. Maybe his hormones and mood swings.

"You wanna get caught!? You wanna be seen as a slut!?" He shouted.
He really felt mad. But something inside him felt bad.

Jimin sighed, and stayed silent.
"I'm sorry hyung..."

Yoongi turned around in his bed, trying to ignore Jimin's apologies.
Always apologizing and doing it all over again. It became a joke.

"I really am, I just..." Jimin paused, he really sounded hurt.

"I feel loved hyung. Like someone loves me! I feel special hyung. I'm sorry for being so desperate and needy. I really am sorry!" Jimin apologized.
He sounded upset, heartbroken maybe. Was he gonna cry?

"Fine." Yoongi finally responded.
"I forgive you." He forced himself to apologise due to the spike of guilt he felt against his chest.

He heard Jimin sniffle through the door.
Which made him feel terrible.
He was confused, he never felt this bad for Jimin.
But that one small sound made his heartbreak. He blamed hormones for his overly sensitive emotions.

"Fuuck." Yoongi said to himself, he felt terrible and his eyes started filling up with tears. What the hell was happening to him.
He was gonna cry because of Jimin.
He felt stupid, he never cried for someone like him.
He took a deep breath before he spoke, trying not to expose the tone in his voice.
"Jimin, I do forgive you."

"You do..?" Jimin asked unsure.

"Yes I do." Yoongi sighed, he clenched onto the bed sheets, anticipating on what the younger was going to say.

"Open the door hyung."

Damn, he had to open the door and let Jimin in.
He wiped his own tears off and sat up.
Gosh the door was too far.
He stood up and walked to his door then opened it.
Only to get tackled by Jimin onto his bed.

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