Chapter 18

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"Why are you so sad Yoongi?" Jungkook asked.
Yoongi was eating his food slowly, left hand against his cheek, face still red from the heavy crying.

"Yeah, you look like you've been crying." Taehyung added, leaning closer towards Yoongi to get a better look.

"Leave him, he's been pretty emotional." Hoseok mentioned, rubbing Yoongi's back to comfort him.
"He might be like this for a while." He added.
"Why? What's wrong?" Jin asked.
They all seemed worried for Yoongi.
Only Jimin and Hoseok knowing why.
Namjoon looked at Hoseok confused, but he had some suspicion.

Hoseok looked at Yoongi, wanting to get his permission to tell them.
Yoongi shrugged.

Jimin and Hoseok made eye contact with each other.
Jimin glanced at Yoongi then back at the others, "Come to our dorm room after school and we can tell you there." Jimin suggested.

Yoongi looked up confused, mouth stuffed with food.
"Come on Yoongi." Hoseok smiled, kissing Yoongi's cheek.

Yoongi sighed a bit and nodded.


Hoseok, Jimin, and Yoongi were walking to the dorm together.
Hoseok holding Yoongi's hand as Jimin walks with them empty handed.
"We gotta tell them right now Yoongi, they gotta know about our kid." Hoseok smiled.
Yoongi nodded.

They entered the dorm and sat on the couch to wait.

Until a little later they heard a knock on the door.
"I'll get it." Jimin stood up and walked towards the door.
While Yoongi sat on Hoseok's lap, still being comforted by him.

"There here!" Jimin said excitedly as they walked in.
"Is he still upset?" Jungkook asked as he walked in and sat down.
All four of them sat on the couch while Hoseok, Jimin, and Yoongi stood in front of them ready to explain.
"Alright tell us, what's wrong with Yoongi?" Namjoon questioned.

Yoongi was nervous, he waited for Hoseok to answer.
"So Yoongi stopped talking because he's still upset from earlier but..." Hoseok took deep breaths, he was as nervous as Yoongi.

"Yoongi's pregnant." Hoseok confessed.

They all froze.

"Well congratulations!" Jin smiled.

"Wait, guys can get pregnant!?" Jungkook questioned, he was extremely confused.

Jimin nodded, "Yeah, it's rare though."

"So you're saying he has a baby in him?" Taehyung asked.

Yoongi nodded.

"So you did have sex!?!?" Jin asked, and laughed.

"Jin don't you remember he told us after the party?" Namjoon mentioned, finding what Jin said slightly idiotic.

"So they did?? You two did the nasties!? Hoseok please explain, I'm very confused!!" At this point Jungkook was probably about to have an existential crisis. He was very skeptic.

"What are you confused about?" Hoseok asked.
Yoongi just stood there watching all the chaos, observing the storm of questions coming out of their mouths.

"How did Yoongi get pregnant?? Where did you stick your peepee in? He doesn't have a v-hole!" Jungkook continued to question.
(A/N: Aw the innocence :))

Jimin looked at the boy confused, he really doesn't know how two men fuck... So I guess he's never tried.
Jimin was ready to ruin the boy's innocence one day.

"But he does have an a-hole." Taehyung laughed.
"A hole where? The butt?"
Jesus Christ this boy was way too innocent.
They all looked like they wanted to face palm.
Namjoon sighed then looked at Hoseok, "Since when?"

"I found out when we started dating but he's been pregnant for about two months." Hoseok explained.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?!" Jin asked, he was happy for them.

"Wait I'm still confused!" Jungkook complained.

"Does your family know?" Namjoon asked.

Yoongi shooked his head.
"We're telling them this weekend actually." Hoseok answered.
"Wait, does he have a bump?" Taehyung asked curious.
Yoongi stepped back a bit, not wanting to be touched or reveal what's under his shirt.
Hoseok looked at Yoongi and laughed a little, "Last time I saw, I could kinda see it."
"Which was last night." Jimin added and laughed.
Yoongi rolled his eyes.
"Can we see!?" Jungkook asked.
Hoseok smiled and looked at Yoongi.
Yoongi was hesitant, he hates being touched or even revealing his body.
"Just lift up your shirt and show us." Taehyung said.
They were all so curious just to see what was under that shirt.
"Don't pressure him, his hormones are gonna kick in." Jin laughed a bit.
Yoongi sighed and lifted up his shirt a bit.
All looking in awe.

Yoongi was embarrassed, he couldn't take it, his hormones were building up quick.

Yoongi's emotions were still all over the place, he got upset so easily then he went back to his normal self, which was easily annoyed.

He got so sensitive, and he hated it.
Something so simple and small makes him upset, like right at this moment.
He felt embarrassed and his emotions just came rushing in.

Normally he would just tough it out and get over the embarrassment but at this point of pregnancy, he wanted to cry over everything.

Before his eyes could even fill up, he felt Hoseok pull him close.
It was like Hoseok was ready, like he knew Yoongi was gonna cry.

Jimin then became aware on what's going on, "Aw hyung! Please don't cry!" He felt bad for Yoongi, but really bad.

Hoseok wrapped his arms around him, holding him close, while Yoongi buried his face on Hoseok's shoulder.

"W-why is Yoongi hyung crying!? D-did we do something wrong?!" Jungkook questioned, he was worried.

"He's just really sensitive, don't feel bad." Hoseok sighed, he kept holding Yoongi until he was fine.

"Damn is he gonna be like this at school?" Namjoon asked, already knowing the answer to the question.

Jimin nodded, "then he'll probably get cramps or something, then his stomach will be noticeable." He sighed, "poor Yoongi hyung."

Hoseok gently pulled Yoongi's chin up to meet his eyes.
He admired Yoongi's face, his watery eyes, the tears falling down his face, and his rosy cheeks.
He felt bad for Yoongi but still smiled and softly kissed his lips.

"Aw if only Namjoon wasn't a coward to kiss me like that in public." Jin laughed.
Namjoon sighed and rolled his eyes.

[ I kinda like cry baby yoongzz
Hehe just me? Probably. Lol.


This was another chapter I wrote a few months ago, I keep cringing idk why 😂
I hope y'all are doing well.

I haven't been able to write much.
I've been frustrated lately.
I have been motivated but when I write it's all lazy and a lack of detail.

I'm writing a new story very slowly too. It's vkook.😴

It's 12am rn so I'm going to write more then head to bed.
Can't wait to see comments in the morning?? Idk hopefully.
Y'all keep me motivated with nice or funny comments 🙃
I hope you are doing okay.
Stay healthy and safe 💖

(I know I'm late but happy anniversary! 7 years!
Me and my friends been a fan since 2017! It has been a great 3 years with the boys! They've come so far.💖💖💖💖💖)]

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