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tw: sexual assault

minho groaned and reached over hyunjin to grab his phone. he checked the time.

11:45 pm.

oh hell no. why the actual shit is someone ringing the doorbell at this time of night. and where the hell are the guards? they are suppose to be guarding the damn gate, it's in their names.

he didn't want to get up but he knew he had to. he didn't want hyunjin getting up and the same with hwiyoung.

he untangled his body from hyunjin's. the younger had a deadly grip on the others waist. which took a while to get out of.

once he was out, he slipped on his bunny slippers and walked down stairs.

the person who was outside rapidly rung the doorbell. like he or she was in trouble. minho began running towards the door while shouting, "i'm coming."

now, lee minho was a very smart person. every time there was a person at the door, he would always look through the peep hole. if the person got past the guards, then it must've been someone he knew and also the guards.

lee minho didn't think to look through the peep hole because thought the person was in trouble. little did he know, he would be the one in trouble.

minho didn't think twice before swinging the door open. and froze in his spot.


minho would've screamed, but he lost his voice. seeing the site of jisung brought back memories. his breath hitched as he saw the anger on jisung's face.

jisung stepped inside of the home. uninvited. as he walked in, he stumbled to the side a little. ok, maybe a lot.

minho stepped back, not wanting to be close to the younger. as he stepped back, the other came closer, with a nasty smirk on his face.

the older's movements were stopped by the couch. he was trapped. he couldn't run. his legs would give out. at this point, minho was uneasy. his breathing quickened, his hands and legs were trembling, his heart feeling like it was going to jump out of his chest.

jisung inched closer and closer until minho felt his breath on his cheek. and smelt it. he was intoxicated.

minho knows how jisung is when he is drunk. he's a whole different person. he isn't himself. sure, jisung is still rude when not intoxicated but he is way worse when he was. like he can't control it.

one time, when jisung and minho were still together, jisung drank like his life depended on it. minho was with him. he watched as jisung's personality changed completely. jisung then started a random fight with a random person. minho had to pull the younger away. and when he did, jisung had a smug face on but his eyes. he looked closer, it was as if they were scared. like they were asking for help.

"i missed you baby," jisung said, slurring his words. he left really slopping kisses on minho's cheeks. minho shivered at the contact.

"did you miss me?" jisung asked with a low voice.

minho didn't answer. he couldn't. he felt a lump in his throat. he wanted to cry.

after not answering, jisung harshly grabbed minho's neck. choking him. "i asked," jisung roughly said, spitting in the process, "did you miss me?"

minho grasped the younger's wrist and tried pulling his hand away. he had a deadly hold on his neck. almost lifting him off the ground. his face started to drain of color and his began to roll to the back of his head.

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